Saturday, November 14, 2009

Good Heavens, Woman! This is a War, not a Garden Party!

 Greetings y'all. It's Dave the Writing Fool. Or rather, the Novel-Writing Fool, as opposed to the Blog-Writing Fool.

Made more great progress today, I'm just shy of the 25K mark at the moment. I'm having a great go of it, enjoying myself every step of the way. And it should be no news that my head is there and not necessarily here. Nevertheless, to honor my arbitrary commitment, I take keyboard in hand to pound out this post, hoping against hope that I find something of substance to share! Like this!

Don't ask' I have no idea. Perhaps THIS would explain it...

Or this video...

You can skip ahead to about the 35 second mark, if you want to get to the action faster. Looks a little big to be a controlled burn, but something tells me that's what it is. Otherwise the road would have been closed, I'm sure. I drove past a controlled burn one time, driving past the Lake Hodges dam, on that windy road. It was awesome. I''m driving along at night, minding my own business, come around a bend and the entire side of the mountain is on fire, firemen everywhere along the road, just chilling out, watching things. It was all I could do to keep my eyes on the road. Then another bend and things were dark again.

Funny the stuff we remember.

That's reminds me of another clip, hang on, I'mma go grab it...

Earlier in the year, when they were having those severe dust storms in Australia, someone posted this clip...

Again, about the 30 second mark things get crazy... I can't imagine that. Wild stuff... those crazy Aussies!

Funny T-shirt of the Day...

Thought you'd appreciate that one.

Wifey runs a half-marathon on Sunday, down the Coronado Strand. She's running it with Ruth Ruckle, who just happens to be a Queen in the novel I'm writing! Still don't know what character Wifey will be, but Ruth is a Queen, along with King Orion, of course...

Got a text from Dave-O on Friday... he's back in the States! His year in Kosovo is over! Dave-O is THE MAN! At his request, I made him a bad guy in my book...

By the way, if you haven't seen the Matrix Spoof clip that Logan posted on his blog today, you really need to go watch it. It's very well done.

Anyway, I'm going to go now. Going to play a bit of Left 4 Dead, write a bit more, then pick up Eldest Daughter from work at about midnight. Ah, the glories of working retail...

Until tomorrow, remember, might just might make right, right?

1 comment:

Abbie said...

ruth and orion are royalty?? sweet!! and Dave-o is a bad guy?!?! that is awesome :) Yeah, i got a text too! I'm so happy he is safe! and he is going to get to go see his family for thanksgiving! or turkey day, lol :) I'm glad for him!! I miss him....