Greetings! I trust your Tuesday was a good one!
My day was fine and dandy, for what it's worth.
Got some work done on the next piece of marketing for the Rug Shop. Gonna put the finishing tweaks on a video I'm editing next.
I made the journey down to the Tax Man's Lair today ("There and Back Again: A Hobbits' Tale, by Davebo Baggins"). I completed the descent into the Cracks of Doom, and made my way out with my Packet of Dread and Fear for 2008, which was specially forged for me in the bowels of the building, by cave trolls. I paid them and fled. I looked for the giant Eagles, but they wussed out...
I started watching Big Bang Theory today - I had to stop after 2 episodes, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. Thanks for the recommendation, Bob! That show is so friggin funny, I haven't laughed that hard in years. I love it. I hope it holds up. Never has there been a show with such a mind-blowing concentration of nerd humor. Terrific, terrific show.
Of course, entertainment being subjective, please take the recommendation with a grain of salt. Much like The Name of the Wind, this could be a case of the right show at the right time, and it just really clicking with me. Check it out at your own risk. If nerd humor is your bag, then rent it and laugh until you tip over, like I did.
Speaking of entertainment being subjective, I will now post the latest Wagnervana comic. I've spent too much time on it, of course, and as a result am too close to it to know for sure if it's actually funny or not. I look forward to your feedback.
Click to enlarge!
EDIT: Sorry, I'm having trouble posting it as one piece of art, and having it be big enough to read, when enlarged. For the time being, it needs to be in two parts.

Part 2, click to enlarge...

Yeah, it's a big one... I'm still trying to get a feel for the right level of detail, the right art style, and the right length. I decided to tell a story with this one. Yeah, it's juvenile, but unfortunately, that's just my bag.
New minor character's include Anthony and Laythe. And yes, I know there aren't any PC towers anywhere... the frames are cluttered enough as it is. Let's just pretend that there is a kick-butt central server and that each of the characters is at like a work station or something... and yes, Laythe, you get smacked this time around... sorry, that's the rules...
By the way, if you're using Firefox as your browser, you can hold down the Control key and press plus or minus to enlarge or reduce whatever is on the screen. It's a happy little shortcut. Don't know if it works in Internet Explorer, lemme go check. ... Yep, it works there, too. So that's always handy...
Well, tomorrow I mail away a small fortune, then I can put it behind me for now.
I think that will be it for me for today. Until tomorrow, go, and never darken my towels again!
(Actually, that's a Groucho Marx quote, sorry...)
Fantastic Comic!
wow dave, i love it! that was awesomely funny!!!! do the five of you really get together at your house for lan parties? how cool is that :D I like that you added laythe and anthony, very cool.
Nicely done, i'm impressed as always :)
Let's just say the strip is loosely based on real life... if we did get together like that, I'd hope that Vye would really wear armor... that would rock.
Careful, Abbie... if you get to be too big a fan of the strip, I may have to make you a character in it... the only female...
Glad you like the show, dave! I was worried you wouldn't but secretly knew you would ;)
Great comic, as always... :D
Loosely accurate indeed, I didn't see Laythe catch one walk-by. Nice throne. Do you realize our last LAN party was when you started this blog? What happened ;_;
Laythe and I were cracking up.
+fav last scene.
That was Awesome!
Nice work :)
I think Desmond the Desert Lizard should make a cameo someday.
thats where you got the idea for desmond. nice.... :)
HAHAHA. Anthony in the bathroom as always! Thats got to be the truest part of this comic.
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