Friday, April 10, 2009

100 Down, 265 To Go...

Post number 100!!! Woohoo! What do I win? Do I get a special prize? Is it cool? Is it a sportscar? How about a new iMac, then? No? A new iPod, maybe? No? A gift card to someplace cool?

I get a quick comment of congratulations? Hey, I'll take it! I live for comments, so leave one and I will eagerly gobble it up, in one second, just like my favorite bedtime story, "Bubba and the Bean Burrito"...

We had our dress rehearsal for Easter tonight... If I can keep my head on straight, and my focus intact, I think my contribution should be solid enough. The rest of it is looking great, as far as the pageantry. Who knows, perhaps God will show up (like He has every time) and it will be effective and well-received (like it always is), and I will experience the sweet, fruity taste of epic relief (like I usually do). Then we can all put it behind us, and eat our weight in Easter Ham.

At least I will be eating my weight in Easter Ham...

The third scene I'm in is a monologue that is a prayer. It is awkward, to say the least. I figured the only way to make it work is to take a very loose idea of what the character needs to say, and lay it over a real prayer of mine that I would pray about my own family, and basically improvise it. I have absolutely no idea of how it will go over. It is a very bizarre scene, actually. The good thing about winging it, though, is that it doesn't have to be a certain length, and I don't have to stress over memorizing lines, and I can end it any time I need to.

Went on a full day's deliveries with my brother Johnny today. Tooled around areas of San Diego I hadn't been in a long time. Things change, that's for sure... everything seemed so different. I won't bore you with the details. I only bring it up to say I enjoyed hanging out with John today, plus we got two gratuities today! I ended the day with $15 more than I started it with, w00t!

Tax Day cometh! I need to talk to my tax man Saturday, to come up with a payment schedule for all the taxes I owe this year (for reasons I won't bore you with). The 15th looms large, like the dog in this picture...

I'm the kitten, of course, cuz I'm so flippin' cute! Sorry, I couldn't say that with a straight face. Actually, I'm the kitten because I'm absolutely helpless in the face of such a gigantic beast - will I be eaten alive? Sometimes I wonder...

Man, I've been posting a lot of cutesy animal pics and vids lately. What is wrong with me? There's only one solution, of course...

More Japanese humor!

I better quit while I'm behind.

Enjoying The Chronicles of the Black Company. I like the author's style; it's very terse and clear and descriptive. He can cleanly make a lot happen with few sentences. Very economical, as far as delivery. It's refreshing. Still waiting for a good guy - never seen a story with only bad guys in it before... it's unique.

I'm not sure what else to add tonight. I think that's it. Sorry, tonight's practice really wrung me out. I'm kind of tapped, creatively.

I did want to say thank you to all who leave comments. It does mean a lot to me, and I read every one.

Until tomorrow, remember, a professor is someone that talks in other people's sleep...


Bob the Thinker said...

Boy, you really must like japanese humour and game shows :D

i think those japanese guys are technologically soooo ahead of the rest of the world, they get bored waiting for us to catch up and so to kill the time they come up with such crazy game shows :D

just a theory, mind you ;)

Anonymous said...

happy glad you do this do it so well..the Japanese shows are a hoot in that its really funny to see what someone else sees as funny..those shows are just bad..and thats funny..glad your set for the play..I know it will go well..and thanks for the help yesterday..Carla

Abbie said...

Hey congrats dave, you're doing great with your blogging! :D And your prayer/monologue for Easter is great, really heartfelt. :)

Dave-O said...

HAHAHAHAHA i loved the pics of the cat, someone sent me one like that and said i was like the BIG DOG haha scary until you get to know me. So i hit them in the face and laughed LOL j/k get work sirk
