Hey, you know those little pieces of meteorite that are left over after one hits the earth? Crater tots.
Aw, man! The weekend is over! What the heck! What will I do now? I mean, I feel so lost... so lost... What? There'll be another one in a few days? Really? Whew! That's a relief... guess I'll just have to be patient.

Whoa, sorry... got carried away there for a bit... it was just so flippin funny I just about lost control of my bladder, passed out and gave up the ghost.... Man, I haven't laughed that hard since I saw that fat guy slip on the ice outside...
Well, Wifey ran her marathon today. She had calf-muscle issues that caused her (and her running partner) to miss their projected finish time, by a fairly healthy margin, actually. They were aiming for 4.5 hours, but managed to squeak in just under 5.5 instead. And there I was, at the rail near the finish line, camera at the ready, from about 4:20 on, craning my neck, standing on tiptoe, trying to scan the massive wave of runners, trying to spot them with enough time to get a video of them as they passed... Do you know how slowly time passes as you are on edge like that, watching and waiting, hair-trigger, in constant scan mode, for runners that never materialize? After an hour, I said "screw it" and went to the bleachers. Of course, that was when they decided to trot by. So I got this lame video of them passing...
I know the video size is small, but it doesn't really matter. You can't really see them anyway. They are the ones in white hats - wifey is the one waving her arms, in the pink shirt. Man, what a way to spend the morning... got there about 9 am and they passed just after noon. Well, if you don't run, you can't win...
There was one point when we were waiting by the rail that a male runner stopped nearby, whipped off his shorts, and proceeded to sprint for the finish line waving his shorts over his head, wearing nothing but his bib with his number on it. I'm afraid Daughter #2 may be scarred for life. Not often you get to see a live streaker, flapping in the wind. Free up the little guy, let him flap in the breeze! For some reason, I thought of Dave-O... I thought, "man, Dave-O will laugh when he hears about this..." Strikes me as something Dave-O would actually contemplate doing... running a full marathon and then streaking across the finish line... wonder if he got arrested...
That wasn't the only thing that reminded me of Dave-O today. The marathon finish line is on a Marine Corps base near the airport in downtown San Diego. On the parade grounds, they had several military vehicles on display, which were wicked cool. Reminded me of Battlefield 2...

Man, I don't know what's going on with the formatting/layout of this blog. How wonky can you get...
Dave-O, that Hummer had a loud sound system in the back and they were cranking out "your kind of music", if you know what I mean...
Anyway, so overall, the day was a success, in spite of the waiting and the miles of walking we did to get back and forth from where we parked, waaaaay out yonder. Afterwards, Ruth's dad treated us all to lunch at Outback Steakhouse, which was yummy. Wifey has to work tomorrow...
Shop Talk: Yay! Matt commented yesterday! w00t w00t! I guilted him into reading my blog! And Abbie is back from her trip. I'm sure we will all be able to read about it in her blog soon... What? Abbie doesn't have a blog? What the heck! Also, I now have 5 consecutive months of daily posts under my belt... that's 150 posts! Are you proud of me? Am I at or near the top of your list of Favorite Daves? You do have a Favorite Daves List, right? In fact, if any of you are ever at a loss as to what to blog about in your own blogs, might I suggest this as a topic starter: Things I Like About Dave. Man, that's good for weeks of material right there...
Remember, if you want to buy me gifts, my mom is a size 9...
Went to church tonight, to catch up on my DVD duplicating duties. We tape each Sunday morning service, as you know, and one of my jobs is to dupe the master for the legions of people that buy copies to watch and enjoy (lol) at home. In this case, "legions" = 6. Anyway, the duping takes a while, and I had a 3 week backlog to catch up on, so I went in early and... wait for it... got them all done! YAAY!!! I rule!
Saw this wild thing tonight on Boing Boing... it's a business in San Diego (oddly enough) called Sarah's Smash Shack. You can go into one of their private rooms, plug your iPod into the speaker system, crank up the music, and smash a bunch of cheap crockery against the far wall. It's supposed to be therapeutic - an angst reliever. You can even write people's names on the plates, etc., so that you can vent your pent-up anger that they've caused. Then they donate the smashed pieces to local artists so they can make mosaics. I can't decide if it's thoroughly lame or cool... help me decide! Or I'll smash a plate with your name on it!
I guess it's the kindergarten version of what Dave-O get's to do for a living... this is it - ground zero. Would you like to say a few words to mark the occasion?
And now, a word from our sponsors...
I think that will do it for me tonight. Gotta try to get some honest work done before bedtime. Until tomorrow, remember, I'm dead set on living.
Now get to work on those movie quotes!