Greetings, fellow space travelers!
Twas a good day in sunny San Diego! Rug Shop Day, Part 2. Gettin' 'er done! Today was "Take Daughter #2 To Work Day," and I did my part. She helped her gramma get some things done.
Other than that, not much to report out of the ordinary. Worked, came home, ate, finished today's Wagnervana comic, and now I shall blog, play Fallout 3, read and go the heck to sleep! My "to do list" for the next couple days is packed like a Japanese subway car.
Here's the set-up for today's strip: I was inspired by my post about dreams last week, so I decided to do a series of comics, taking each of the six characters so far, and show a good dream and a not-so-good dream. I figure you can tell a lot about a character by what they dream about. Here's me and Dave-O, to start things off...

I wanted to get all six done and post them at once, but they're taking a bit more time to create than I thought, so I figured I'd post two at a time. Next will be Zack and Vye, then Carl and Rollo...
I don't know if you noticed, but all of my characters are male thus far. I suppose I'll create a female character or two at some point, but I don't really understand the female mindset. I have the same problem writing female characters, in short stories, plays, my novel, etc. They always end up seeming man-ish. Or stereotypically female. You'll have to cut me some slack in that regard, once the female character(s) appear(s). Until that time, I have plenty of ideas for fun stuff with the characters I have now.
I pulled clips from the next movie I will feature in my Favorite Scenes feature that you all enjoy so much (insert eye-roll here), but it won't be for a few days yet. Maybe sooner; it depends on my work schedule. O, how wilt thou endure such torment? Meh, go read a book or something!
Speaking of books, I'm working my way through the Grisham book again, and it's staying pretty solid. Not "terrific" but a good, solid read. I'm looking forward to the end - it's supposed to be a good one...
Todayve In History: March 27
- March 27, 1790: Shoelaces were invented! (Finally, they could get rid of that annoying Velcro.)
- March 27, 1860: M.L. Byrn patents the corkscrew. (And roller-coasters were never the same.)
- March 27, 1912: The first Japanese cherry blossom trees were planted in Washington DC. (Secretly, by ninjas, to avoid the city zoning commission.)
Funny Picture Time:

Tomorrow night is Easter rehearsal - I still have a butt-load of lines to memorize - not including the monologue that I still haven't written! I may see if we can eliminate the monologue...
I also have to get all the rest of my BE2 stuff done, including reading 2 books and writing reports on them. Bah, I should read one tonight... sorry, Grisham...
I also have some random cars and buses to blow-up in Post-Apocalyptia... in fact, I better go do that now...
Until tomorrow, remember, sure, the truth hurts, but so does a machete.
great comic once again... i especially loved the matrix theme ;)
dave!!!! why did you have to pick on the backyardigans!!! I love them! :D well, i mean, i think they are better than dora or the disney characters or barney. they remind me of me! :D
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