"Go inside" or "coincide", which one?
75 days in a row. Didn't know if I'd last this long, but here I am! Gonna still try for a whole year, every day, writing in this dang thing... Who knows, perhaps it shall be done! Toward what end? No clue. So I can say I did it, I guess... that shall be my reward!
Stayed up till 3 again, reading The Darkness That Comes Before. It has evolved into a pretty solid book, but the jury is still out as to whether I will continue with book 2. I'm about 75 pages away from the end of book 1 - should finish it tonight, no problem...
Went to BE2 class again tonight - have mixed feelings about it. I certainly don't doubt Mrs. J and her dedication, but I keep asking myself why I'm doing it again... not exactly sure what it is supposed to be accomplishing in me. Nevertheless, we had a good discussion tonight at class about Blindness - we're supposed to be blind on the one hand, and not supposed to be blind on the other hand. A "good" blindness to pursue and a "bad" blindness to avoid.
Good Blindness: You don't judge things by what you see with your eyes, you be sure to ask God what His take is on what is happening, since He can see the whole picture. In this way, we never act on a bad judgment, since regardless what we think, we have the true picture from the Big Dude Himself. Makes sense.
Bad Blindness: When you feel you understand a situation completely and do not even entertain the idea that you could be wrong. It's pride-based and will lead to confusion and inconsistency every time. Also makes sense.
So there's that about it...
Played some Battlefield 2 today - hey, gotta do my part to save the world, yes? Ok then! It made me think of Dave Bryant. So I brought up Facebook to leave him a message and BOOM! He was online as well. So we chatted - me safe and sound in San Diego, he away across the world in Kosovo. Ain't technology amazing? I got his permission to make him a character in my web comic, so look for him soon.
Working on a transcript for Piranha and a video for the Rug site - which I've had to re-edit from scratch, because of that kerfuffle with iMovie 08. Ah, well, such are the trials and tribulations of your average graphic artists. Gee, ain't life hard? Oh, the huge manatee!

I have no doubt once we start employing Traffic Geyser, our site will be bumping with activity. Go Josh! Go Josh! Go Josh!
On This Dayve In History: March 16th
- March 16, 1945: The Battle of Iwo Jima officially ends. (No jokes or quips allowed here... just don't watch that limp-mess-of-a-movie that Clint Eastwood made about it, unless you want to get good and angry)
- March 16, 1941: The National Gallery of Art opens in Washington DC (I bet there wasn't a velvet painting of "dogs playing poker" on any wall...)
Well, I have to get up early so I can take Chris to work in the morning - so I'm going to sign off and go read until only maybe 1 am or so... First a chapter in Isaiah, then the Bakker book 'till I pass out...
Until tomorrow, I ask you: If knees were backwards, what would chairs look like?
probably the same.. we'd just sit backwards ;)
Hey dave, I got on facebook about a half hour after you did and dave-o was still on so i got to talk to him too!! and then grace after me... :D He says he is doing really good, and that was encouraging. I really miss him...
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