"Terrorist" or "tear a wrist", you decide...
Happy Wednesday to you all! In fact, I hope it was a grand and glorious Wednesday for you! Overdone? Sorry... Uh... I trust it was above average, as far as Wednesdays go... you know, not much grief to deal with. Hows' that? Better? Still too upbeat? Hmm... Your Wednesday sucked, didn't it... Well, if I was there with you, I'd give you a good kick to add to your troubles... does that work? Good, now we can move on, you little grumpypants...
Not a bad day today, except I was wiped out. I kept almost falling asleep. In fact, I got home, and instead of finishing today's comic, I fell asleep in my comfy chair for several hours... I know, I know, total loss of respect. If you were here, you'd fire spitballs at me, right?
I had an odd dream as I rested, but it has since faded from memory. I will, however, regale you with some of my Recurring Dreams. I've had these dreams off and on for as long as I can remember. Maybe one of you that can interpret dreams can tell me what these mean...
Recurring Dream #1:
Natural Disasters. I routinely have
Tidal Wave dreams. I'm at the beach (duh), the water recedes, everyone wanders around like clueless idiots, I try and tell everyone to run away, they all ignore me. I flee for my life, GIGANTIC waves rear up in the distance and I run and run and run... wake up exhausted.
I also have
Tornado dreams. There's never just one, either. I'm outside, it's stormy - in fact, usually, the clouds are so black and so low and so incredibly vivid... anyway, there's usually multiple funnels and I'm caught out in the open, and it's a race to reach a house and find shelter. The house I usually get into has no cellar (of course) so I'm forced to lie on the ground, clutching the carpet (always the carpet, how odd), as the roof is ripped off. Oddly, the walls usually stay intact in my dream, but the roof is always ripped off, and I have to cling to the carpet to keep from getting sucked into the air. Sometimes, I actually am thrown through the air, but I always survive...
I do occasionally die in my dreams (in spite of what "they" say), usually via a weapon of some sort. But I'll save that for another thread...
Recurring Dream #2:
High School Redux. I dream I'm back in high school - but I know that I'm way too old to be there anymore. Nevertheless, I must go. I start off missing the school bus (complete with running after it, waving my arms), and having to walk to school, getting lost on the way. I finally make it to school, I have no idea what period it is, or what class I'm supposed to be in. I decide to ask at the office, but I have no idea where the office is. I wander around, finally finding the office, and find out what class I'm supposed to be in - but I need my books. Of course, I have no idea where my locker is, so I wander around, hoping to remember. When I find it, I cannot remember the combination. When I finally get the locker open, it's either the wrong locker, or my books aren't in there. I finally make it to class and sit down, only to find out the period had ended and I'm supposed to be in another class. Back outside to try and find the office again. I end up missing all of my classes and then racing to catch the bus before they leave. The last bus is pulling away, I get on it, relieved, only to find out it's the wrong bus and heads away from home instead of toward it...
I kid you not, I have had that dream so many times, it isn't funny. Usually with more - like meeting friends I used to know and they either don't remember me or they laugh at me. Then having to use the restroom, but they're all out of order.
That segue's nicely...
Recurring Dream #3:
Bathroom! I regularly dream that I need to take a leak, and I wander around, trying to find a bathroom. When I find one, either the facilities are out of order, or there are tons of people in there, forcing me to go find another, or instead of walls, there are floor to ceiling windows, so all the people outside can see me, and laugh. Or there's a toilet, but it's out in the middle of a plaza, with tons of people wandering around... anything that can frustrate my pursuit of relief! Of course, I usually wake up needing to use the restroom... perhaps that's my body's way of waking me up when I'm sleeping with a full bladder...
Recurring Dream #4:
No Brakes! I'm driving along, and I approach a stop sign or red light. I see cops stationed there, watching and waiting for someone to roll through so they can ticket them. But I know they are there, so I'm certainly going to stop, right? I press the brakes, I slow down, but I'm not slowing down fast enough. I push harder, as hard as I can, but I'm still slowly rolling, across the line, into the intersection! It's so not fair! What can I say? "I tried to stop, officer, but my brakes betrayed me!" Or I have to stop to avoid a pedestrian or a stopped car in front of me, or some obstacle. Brakes don't quite work, I end up hitting him/her/it. Very frustrating.
Recurring Dream #5:
Gumby Arms. I routinely dream I am fighting someone - even though I've never been in a fist fight in my whole life. In any case, I have to fight and defend myself (more likely try and prove I'm really a man), and I hit and hit as hard as I can, but the dude I'm punching just kind of looks at me like, "are you kidding me? Is that really as hard as you can hit?" I punch with everything I've got, and it doesn't even effect the guy. Then I get my butt kicked. Very frustrating.
Recurring Dream #6:
Golf. I used to golf a lot when I was younger - up until the 10th grade or so. Have not golfed much at all in the past 2 decades. Still, I will regularly dream I'm out playing golf. Every time I try and tee up a golf ball, it falls off the tee. Or there's suddenly a tree branch or a wall or ceiling - something to prevent me from taking a full swing. Something in front of me that I can't hit around with the club I'm using. Or people walk in front of me and I have to stop my swing. Or suddenly there's someone in the fairway and I need to stop. I try and play a relaxing game of golf, but for whatever reason, I cannot actually haul off and hit the darn ball! Very frustrating.
Recurring Dream #7:
Skateboarding. Ahh! Finally a pleasant recurring dream! I can land every trick I try in my dream. It's like time slows down when I skate in my dreams, and the board moves under me, and I can hang in the air over it until the right moment, and I land it. I never get hurt. And I dream up the sweetest terrain - skateparks, culverts, benches, empty pools - it's like a surreal, perfect skating environment, and I am nailing everything I try.
There are a few other recurring dreams, but nothing I'd share in public! BUAHAHAHA!!!! *cough cough cough*... ahem... well...
Anyway, if you have any interpretations for any/all of those dreams, I'd be happy to read your thoughts. I think I'll call it a day, and save the rest of my usual nonsense for tomorrow.
EDIT: OK this is odd... I was taking a quick look at my bookmarked webcomics before turning in for the night, and I saw this:

I swear I wrote today's post before reading this strip! I didn't steal the idea! What the heck!
Oh well...
END EDIT------------------------
Until tomorrow, remember, athiests have no invisible means of support...