Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Good Conscience is a Continual Christmas...

I have very little to report today. I suppose I could just make stuff up, for entertainments' sake, just to give you something moderately interesting to read ("Hey, I learned how to perform emergency tracheotomies with a pair of nail clippers today! I practiced on myself!"), but I'd feel bad about it... I could regale you with details of the work-related conference call I had today, where I did my best to learn how to create a basic webpage using Dreamweaver (See, first you "get" the files you need off of a remote server using FTP... and then... and... well, that's all I remember...), but you'd die of boredom and browse away...

Although the benefit of that would be I could spend the rest of the post discussing all my darkest, most personal secrets and you'd all never know, since you'd be gone! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!1!!

I watched this video a few minutes ago, of random people confessing secrets on camera, and it made me think... "what is my biggest secret?"

I don't know... secrets are tricky things. I think they mostly live in a nebulous form just under the surface, and are kind of hard to put into words - since we never have to put them into words! They're secrets! Duh! Would I feel comfortable spilling a secret to a video camera? I don't know... depends, I guess, on whether the secret was about someone else in particular, that might someday see the footage, or if it was something more benign like admissions of self-doubt, or whatever...

Before I actually start spilling secrets, I better shift gears a bit. Here's a cat that can open the door...

Rug Shop Day planned for Wednesday. Did some filming over the weekend with Sister for a series of rug care video clips that we'll be blasting out to the internet using Traffic Geyser soon... I've imported all the footy, so tomorrow I'll be an editing fool. When I get a few done, I may post one here, just so you can all swoon with admiration over my mad editing skills.

Balloon glow, woot!

Dang, I keep wanting to bust out a secret... getting things off your chest is supposed to be good for you... I don't have one in particular in mind... I just feel the urge to spill something, and you'll all be like :O - *GASP!*

Meh, actually, my secrets are probably pretty boring... not sure I have anything gasp-worthy to share... well, lemme think on it. Maybe I'll come up with a good one....

In the interim, here's a Novel Update: Focused on the "problem character" storyline last night, getting the kinks worked out. I'll run with it again tonight, I believe. Got some catching up to do with her. Contemplated outright bumping the fourth storyline until the next half of the book... I'll ponder that one a bit more in the upcoming days...

There, thoroughly vague, useless information. I'm sure, as far as filler goes, you'd rather have another cool landscape-y picture, eh?.

There's an Aurora pic for you.

Gads, I wish I had something interesting to share. I guess I could drop some theology on you...

Nah, not in the mood. In fact, I better bail. Put this post out of its misery (and yours). Until tomorrow, remember, never confuse motion with action.


logankstewart said...

I usually don't say this, but today it deserves it: those pictures are awesome. I mean, you didn't make them or anything (at least to my knowledge you didn't), but you shared them, and they're pretty cool. Especially that last one.

Krista said...

Wow that Secrets video was a bit touching thanks for sharing. It's crazy the secrets we tend to keep. Mostly things were ashamed or embarrassed of it seems...

And hey, come on, you know you have a good secret to share. LOL!

Well I would pull a secret outta my pocket, but well, you didn't ask and I don't wanna bore you.. lol! ;-)

I really love those pictures too, very cool :)