"Coffee table" or "toffee cable", you decide...
O_O *uh*... yeah, actually, I am eating dark chocolate right now. OK, that's eerie... how the heck did you know that?
Greetings everyone! And yes, by 'everyone" I do mean everyone. Including all the famous people that lurk around here, reading my every word, chuckling at my every fart joke, but remaining hidden for fear of me dropping your name to my wife to get her to love me again. "But Honey, Johnny Depp reads my blog all the time! And so does Avril Lavigne, Cher, Erik Estrada and Ron Perlman! You know, from 'Hell Boy'! And Steve Jobs popped in for 3 seconds once, by accident! You have to love me now!"
Ah, anything for love! You have to be creative when it comes to love. Especially when you have a choice of exactly one (unwilling) person you're allowed to get it from...
OK, so I didn't think I'd do any more LOST stuff, but lo and behold! I have some LOST stuff to post tonight! A byproduct (I suppose) of the fact that the whole internet is still talking about it...
First, how LOST should have ended...

That's hilarious. Well, I mean if I was able to embed the animated GIF file properly, it would be hilarious. Apparently, I have not the skill, since I now realize you're just looking at a still picture of Jack laying on the ground next to Vincent. Nothing funny about that. Well, don't click the picture, but click THIS LINK instead, and go watch the animated GIF... it's only a couple seconds long, and is really funny. But beware... browse the rest of the site at your own risk. Geekology is a funny site, but occasionally it is "unclean"!!!!
OK, next I have a link to the Cake Wrecks site, where they have a gallery of LOST-themed cakes of various quality. Definitely a fun browse.
As cool as some of those cakes are, I think I enjoyed Logan's Dharma pizza a bit more...
Yummay! Be sure to answer the poll question about it in the sidebar...
I had to pimp Logan's creative culinary creation a bit, because at this point, I'm going to annoy him by posting a video clip lovingly called "Unanswered LOST Questions" that I found very apt/amusing...
Sorry, Logan, but I think the makers of that video have a point or two... or a hundred. Yeah, I know, the argument is that the show was ultimately about the characters and their relationships and not about the unanswered mysteries, and I appreciate that argument. Not trying to take away from your love for the show. Still, food for thought...
OK, that's enough LOST references for one night...
Shifting gears...
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh this morning on the way into work, and he bummed me out! He referenced a politician who Rush said stole an argument from him about the oil spill, in which he said "Hey, if the scientists were able to scrape together a save for the Apollo 13 mission, they should be able to fix the oil leak!" Of course, I was bummed... my first thought was, "Crap! People must think I took that argument from Rush too! I'm ruined!" Now, I did make that connection in my previous rant-laced blog post, but I swear I made the connection myself! Granted, it doesn't take a genius to connect those two events together, so yeah, I didn't think I was the only one to make the connection... but still, I didn't want you to think I'm ripping off other people's rants. Cuz then you'd lose respect for me, and all hope would be lost. I'd be eating dirt in no time.
Well, at least no one but me has ever proposed such a ridiculous idea as annexing Mexico... so I'm safe there, probably...
Besides, Johnny Depp frequently reads this blog... savvy? So I must be right!
Check out this cool time-lapse video of NASA getting the space shuttle ready for launch... if it has an advertisement in front of it, I apologize...
Cool, eh? They're retiring the final shuttle this year, and are moving forward with the Orion + Ares V Heavy Lifter rocket. I know it must be leaps and bounds better than the shuttle program in every way, but still, I can't help but think the shuttle just looked much cooler... ah, well.
If you haven't seen the Orion system yet, HERE is a link to the wiki page, and here's a cool video giving a brief overview...
Of course, if you watch the brief overview, you must be wearing only briefs at the time. Sorry, it's the rules...
OK, I'm done. One more Funny Picture and I'm out...
That... is one tough kid...
OK, I'm out.
That gif is hilarious. So is the CollegeHumor video. And so is the kid getting a shot. I hope I made faces like that when I was little and had to get a shot. Heck, I hope I still do.
If the name dropping earns love, let me know.
I never watched Lost so I can't imagine why anyone would want to make a Lost-themed cake. I guess it's like making a Sponge Bob cake, or something. I did like the ending clip though -- that was funny.
Ha! I like Logan's Lost-themed pizza -- it looks yummy indeed.
"all hope would be lost"? I thought you weren't going to reference Lost again? *snicker*
Interesting time-lapsed video. That shuttle looks like a big, scarred shark. I am curious -- why the need to put the word "shuttle" up there? I mean...what else would be going in there? o_O I like all the fire and smoke at the end there.
I wonder how many people could be fed on the price of that rocket? Yeah, I know...I'm morose again.
Cute kid! I'd probably have a similar face if my arm was being squished and impaled at the same time...except tears would be involved.
Wow. I use the word "there" a lot! O_O
that lost movie was hysterical. very very clever :)
Logan: I practice faces in the mirror a lot... learned that from Jim Carrey! OK, you got me... I've always done it, since childhood... one of my many quirks...
Havah: Watch LOST dangit! There, that's an order. As far as the amount of people fed per rocket, well, probably an awful lot... in fact, I'm getting hungry just talking about it!
Abbie: Abbie for President!
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