Sunday, October 4, 2009

We Are Arrant Knaves All; Believe None of Us.

"Fresh bread" or "flesh bled," which one?

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!

Yet another Sunday slowly swirls down the drain, taking with it all the residual angst of this past week, as well as any unfulfilled ambitions... ah, what should such fellows as I do, crawling twixt heaven and earth? Well, the short answer? Master the accordion...

Kid must be autistic or something... or else he's done nothing but practice that thing every waking moment for a decade... never thought I'd say this about an accordion player, but that was AWESOME.

Went to Aunt M's house today for a birthday get-together. She and my dad share a birthday (yes, they are twins!) and we went there to gather with the family, to eat, drink and be social. Always a good time, enjoy the laughs. Good people. Happy birthday dad!

Started to read the final book in the Mistborn trilogy last night, The Hero of Ages. I tell ya, Logan wasn't kidding; that book takes off like a shot from the get go, and starts several story threads, all of them very compelling. I hate when a book goes the multiple-storyline route and you end one segment, and you see that it shifts to another, and you're bummed because you really want to track the previous storyline... that doesn't happen here... and I'm talking 4 separate tracks so far, all of them rockin'. I literally can't wait to see what happens next in all of them... you know how hard that is to do? Even GRRM can't do that all the time!

In fact, I better go read. I'm gonna cut this short tonight... for you and I are past our dancing days...

Better throw in a Funny Picture...

Now is the winter of our discontent! I've never lived in the snow... could that happen naturally if a window was left open, or is that a practical joke, do you think? If the wind was strong enough to blow that much snow through an open window or two, would there be that much snow still on the ground? If it's a practical joke, I think it's time to get new friends... there's small choice in rotten apples... Anyway, I haven't browsed that particular site referenced along the bottom of the pic, and I was too lazy to trim it off in photoshop, so for the moment, I don't endorse the site. If you go there for some reason, it's at your own risk for the time being. Found the pic on Failblog, actually...

Got a nice, full day set for Monday... chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon... I hope the focused Dave shows up instead of the sluggard...

Until tomorrow, remember, keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.


havah said...

Okay, I know I wasn't going to take part in this month's movie quote...but this is Shakespeare, for crying out loud! I can't resist.

"Now is the winter of our discontent!" -- Richard III

"chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon" -- A Midsummer Night's Dream

"keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them" -- Othello

I've already said what the theme is, so...

That accordion player is awesome, indeed.

Glad that's not my car! Oh, wait...I have a truck. Much easier to de-snow. :D

David Wagner said...

15 Shakespeare points for Havah the Great, plus 10 theme points!

Now if you'll pardon me, my accordion lessons are starting....

Unknown said...

Hi, David! It's the first time I've heard of this -- Mistborn trilogy. I'll definitely check this out.

Bob said...

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more" = Henry V

Bob said...

"what should such fellows as I do, crawling twixt heaven and earth" Three Virgin Marys? :S

Bob said...

"for you and I are past our dancing days" = Romeo & Juliet





Krista said...

Dude, that guy WAS awesome!

The Hero of Ages had to be my favorite of the three titles. I love books when they have the multiple characters/scenes throughout. I think that's why I love Sanderson so much and he does it so well. Simple yet affective... I'm looking forward to your last review, man!

Oh, that would suck if you woke up and your walking out the door to go to work and your car is full of Ice/snow. Man, I'd kill my friends if they did that! How long would it take to free your car of all that snow, I wonder?

"We Are Arrant Knaves All; Believe None of Us." Dead Men's voices

I could only find this one after Havah and Bob took'em all.... how many quotes are usually in one post or does it vary? I probably missed some that were there I reckon...

As always, great post! All the best, Dave!

Meg said...

The accordion player - holy goodness. I've never heard an accordion sound like that. An evangelist family once came to my old church with accordions in tow. The whole family of seven played. It was loud. Since we were Baptist, I had to wonder why they were playing polka-ish music since we didn't believe in dancing.

David Wagner said...

10 points for Bob! Boom! (mis-identified the second one...)

Peter: Definitely worth adding to your (likely) huge "to be read" book pile...

Krista: I don't usually have a set number of quotes I put it... I'll just tack them on until I feel there are "enough," which is somewhat of an intangible... Oh, and you misidentified your quote as well!

Meg: I always associated the accordion with polka music as well... didn't know it could sound like that either. I can't imagine 7 people playing polka music at once O_O must have been... quite an evening...

Still 2 Shakespeare quotes up for grabs! I'll give you a hint, they're both from the same scene of the same play, and yes, it has been made into a (very good) movie...

David Wagner said...

There's actually 3 quotes left...

Krista said...

"We Are Arrant Knaves All; Believe None of Us." Oh, it's Hamlet then.

I haven't seen too many shakespeare movies....

"for you and I are past our dancing days..."
Romeo and Juliet

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more" Henry V?

Did I get'em right? LOL!

Krista said...

Oh Darn Bob had that second one . Hold on let me see if I can find one more...

Abbie said...

there's small choice in rotten apples = Taming of the Shrew
(Rebekah and I were just talking about that play + 10 things I hate about you :) lol)

That accordian player was awesome! I didn't even know that accordians made that kind of music :) my only experience with an accordian is Lady and the Tramp LOL!

David Wagner said...

5 points to Krista for the Hamlet quote in the title...

5 points to Abbie for the Shrew quote!

The last one is from Hamlet as well... if you read the comments carefully, you should be able to spot it...

I'm going to give that accordion player 10 points, just for the heck of it...

havah said...

I know what it is, and I. can't. say.

Krista said...

Is it..."what should such fellows as I do, crawling twixt heaven and earth" Hamlet!!!

LOL! That was fun! I found all the ones Bob got right and the one he didn't I left alone...LOL! I was a little off on my game today, so it seems...

David Wagner said...

And that's 5 more points for Krista. That's all the quotes, folks! More tonight!

Abbie said...

Havah! you can still play!! Make Bob EARN his title!! :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

I just want to let you know that there is also an interesting game site at