Friday, October 30, 2009
Midnight, End of the World, Remember?
"Peanut Butter" or "I'm exhausted and have nothing to write about tonight," you decide...
I give you a hint... we're out of peanut butter. That can only mean one thing... this will be one of the most pathetic posts of the year, as I search desperately for enough semi-intriguing content to wedge a few movie quotes into, tuck my tail, and run away like the simpering pinhead that I am...
Well, here goes...
Christmas Script: The meeting tonight at church was productive. Liz had the "winning" idea, which has a lot going for it. It's simple, has few actors (6, to be exact), it's a good concept, and can easily be produced in the 7 weeks we have left. Sandi had a terrific idea that is much more elaborate, and will be modified for Easter, to give it the rehearsal time it will need. So we have Christmas and Easter both rolling! Yayzers!
Wow, that was dull... better sadly turn to an over-used standby and hope it's effective... A Funny Picture! Everyone loves a Funny Picture! Right?
Time to fire the contractor for the bathroom remodel... you know, it just occurred to me that we really haven't had a successful test of this equipment...
I'm getting a little angsty about the Novel I'm mere hours away from starting... I keep making rather substantial modifications... the good part is, I think the modifications to the plot are actually big steps in the right direction. The problem is, that feeling I get in my stomach that there are now conflicts I have yet to see as a result of the changes... I've put so much thought into the storyline(s) that I'm unsure the effects rather sizable changes will have as it ripples down the length of the story. Obviously, I can't go into details, without laying out so much text your head would spin. I guess in times like these, I'd love to have someone familiar with the project to bounce suggestions off of...
Well, ready or not, I'm going to go for it. The reason I'm nervous is that if I write myself into a corner, I'm not sure I'll have the patience to stop and find a way through. Ah, well, into the breech, I guess...
Dang, better throw a Funny T-shirt in here, to try and salvage things again...
Ugh. Deliver me from L.L. Bean. Well, there's nothing like a small truth printed large and loud, eh? It is truth, but truth is not always appearance. Speaking of NYC, I watched some of the Yankee/Philly game on Thursday - don't know who won, or even if they played again Friday (or had a travel day). You'd think someone that played 9 years of baseball growing up would have a better idea of what's going on in the MLB at the moment, but really, it's far from me. Same with football... If I stumble across a game on TV (on the rare occasion that I actually watch TV, that is...) I'll watch for a while. But I don't really have a "team" in any sport anymore... I don't care who's playing, if it's a good game, I will enjoy it and then never give it a thought again. Again, if you knew how obsessed I used to be about the Padres & Chargers (and baseball/football in general), that might seem like more of a substantial confession...
Dang, I better find a funny video...
Man, look at what I'm reduced to... it's funny, but depressing... well, there are other videos I would like to post, but they are ruined with a mumbled (or screamed) profanity, and I won't subject your pure brains to such an assault. One clip has a kid hitting a basketball with a baseball bat about the length of a full court, and sinking the shot. Amazing, but ruined with a profane exclamation. Another had a scene from Pulp Fiction that someone added a laugh track to. Very funny, but F-heavy. Another is a tree that leans into a powerline in a heavy wind, catches fire, and ends up exploding, knocking out power to the neighborhood. Awesome clip, but the crowd watching it was not a church youth group, if you catch my drift... Ah, well...
And for all these reasons, I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground...
I waited too long to figure out the costume I'm going to wear for Maggbert's party on Saturday. So I'm forced to wear the easiest costume I can find. Yep, I'm dressing as Lady Godiva. Here, lemme get my horse...
Everyone keeps asking where he bought his costume...
And with that sorry fizzle, I am out. I need sleep. Good luck, Bob and Krista. Let me remind you - even though you are reading this on Oct 31, this is technically the October 30th post. Which means there will be one more post after this one to grab quotes from. I hate to draw out the tension, but rules is rules...
Until tomorrow, remember, you're nuts if you think kidnapping me is going to help you cheat your way to the top...
PS Yay! My copy of Borderlands shipped today! I'm reading awesome things about it online...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I Don't Have a Work Ethic. I Just Have Work...
Hey, what are you doing here? You're not allowed in here without the Official Blog Badge and Hat! And you didn't do the Secret Blog Dance of Greeting and Subservience! Plus, there's the $5 cover charge...
Oh, that's right, I won't implement those rules until December. Never mind...
Thursday Highlights Include: Breakfast with dad; a pumpkin spice frap (you never call me "punkin'" anymore!); a quick mall browse; interview formatting; Torchlight and Left 4 Dead; pizza dinner and some World Series.
That's it! Such is my jet-set, A-list, no-holdin'-back lifestyle! Are you green with envy? Or are you just wearing your HULK costume? Oy vey, that would be ironic!
Yes, I pulled the trigger on Torchlight today - I've read nothing but good stuff online about it, including a rather glowing endorsement from the dude from Penny Arcade himself! He's a great writer, and he plays games... so he must be right. I took it for a spin, singing a gross aberration of the Niel Diamond ET song in my head ("turn on your torchlight... let it shine wherever you go..."). Basically, the game is a highly polished version of FATE, if that makes sense to you. In fact, if that makes sense to you, congratulations... you are as big a gaming nerd as I am... Come on, just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over...
Don't ask... ok, fine, you can ask... but I'm not tellin'...
If you like music and/or the Beatles, you have to check out this link, and listen to the three "multi-track analysis" narrations for the Beatles songs "She's Leaving Home," "A Day in the Life" and "Come Together". Very, very cool.
Trying to scramble and get things done before the weekend - Sunday is the first! Novel time! Honestly, I'm already anticipating potential storyline conflicts about halfway through, but they're hard to resolve ahead of time, since I just KNOW that a lot of the story will be morphing on the fly. If past performance is any indication, when it comes to writing fiction, for me, a lot of it unfolds and takes direction as I'm actually writing it. This process of trying to outline the story ahead of time is new, and I hope beneficial. I do have a good amount of it set, but really, the last day or two have been spent nailing down a map of the storyland, and setting in stone who starts where and heads where, and why. But there's discovery in the writing, and I'm looking forward to the process... I'm trying not to lock myself into anything for any of the characters.
Still, there's comfort in having a clue ahead of time. I've made at least one fairly major modification that I wouldn't have made if I'd just started writing and winging it when I first had the idea.
Boring, Dave! Get to other stuff already!
Here's a cool "electric chair" haunted house prop...
Kinda freaky. If that's an attempt to earn clemency, I spit on it!
And here's Darth Vader conducting an orchestra that is playing the Imperial March music from Star Wars...
There, that should keep you happy for a few minutes, anyway...
Rug Shop Day tomorrow. More web work, I presume. Then to church for the Christmas Drama Meeting I mentioned a day or two ago... still no clue, vis. a script. I hope someone else has some ideas... then we've got the costume/birthday party on Saturday. Sunday I start writing. Full steam ahead!
By the way, I may give the Movie Quote Contest the month off for November... just a heads-up. No clue who will end up winning October - it's so exciting, I'm about to wet myself! You've come to the wrong shop for anarchy, brother...
Until tomorrow, remember, this dock is off-limits to civilians.
I'm a Free Man, and I'm Going Out the Front Door!
"Pack a lunch" or "lack a punch," which one?
Greetings from the left coast! Where the weather is nice, even when it is bad! It was windy today - I love it. Usually the only wind around here is in my office, eminating from yours truly. Hey, blame wifey - she doesn't monitor my diet... I mean, who would stand by and let me eat all the nonsense that I eat? If she loved me, she'd duct tape my mouth closed, only RRRRIPPPING it off when it was time for a meal... hey, I never liked facial hair anyway...
I'm sad. Wanna know why? Ok, here it is: Facebook Scrabble won't load for me... I either get a blank screen full of nothing, or "load errors"... my Scrabble buddies are going to think I'm ignoring them! And you know what an "end of the world" scenario that would be. Hell hath no fury like a Scrabble Buddy scorned...
And now, a display case with all the ingredients in Red Bull Cola...
See? I just knew you were all wondering if such an item existed! And, here it is! That's why I keep winning all of the blogging awards - it's this sort of stellar blog fodder that has earned me the respect, admiration and - dare I say it - the love of the masses! Think of it! Where else on the web will you see such a thing? Well, other than the site I ripped it from, I mean...
Fine, nobody loves or respects me, I admit it... and the only awards I've won are the Zombie Chicken Award and the Smells Vaguely of Corn Nuts Award. Nothing to brag about, I assure you... but if they shut me up, who will take my place?
Speaking of corn nuts, go to THIS ARTICLE to see a 14 photo slideshow of Tim Burton-inspired fashion... like these two shots!
A girl has to have a bit of glamour... I think my sweet mommy would especially enjoy those pics... now that she finally has a pair of glasses that work. Sheesh, a two-week-long headache. That'll push anyone to the edge...
OK, here's this week's Challenge That Will Impress the Heck out of Dave: Go to this Open Culture page, containing free foreign language lessons, pick a random language, and learn to speak something in it. They're mostly for learning necessary phrases for when you are going to travel to a country... but think of it as a cool party trick! "Check me out! I can ask you where the subway station is in Hindi!" If someone actually does this, I can't say what you'll win (since I just thought the challenge up off the tippy-top of my pointed head), but at the very least, it will impress the heck out of me! So you've got that to look forward to...
Speaking of parties, what are your Halloween plans? Leave your answers in a comment!
You know what I hate? Blogs where the author asks a generic question and then tells readers to leave their answer in the comments... I hate that.
Speaking of hating that... here's a video of some dude getting airborn in his dad's Oldsmobile...
He'll regret it to his dying day, if he ever lives that long...
Speaking of Oldsmobiles...
Oh, nevermind. You guys just aren't ready for references to Oldsmobiles. You'd think that after almost 10 solid months of blogging here that you'd all be emotionally and constitutionally prepared to handle an Oldsmobile reference, but no, you are not. So I shall resort to whining about the Matrix sequels again...
Man, Matrix Revolutions sucked.
Todayve In History: October 29
- October 29, 1787: Mozart's opera Don Giovanni first performance, in Prague.
- October 29, 1863: The International Red Cross is born! (Next, you will be telling me that the Crown no longer governs this nation.)
- October 29, 1886: NYC's first ever "ticker tape parade", as office workers spontaneously throw ticker tape into the streets to celebrate the dedication of the Statue of Liberty. (If you saw those kids on the street, you'd do the same...)
- October 29, 1960: Cassius Clay wins his first professional fight. (Yeah, well, David beat Goliath in the book I read...)
- October 29, 1966: The National Organization for Women is founded. (Factory's no place for a woman, Angela...)
OK, one Funny T-shirt, and I'm out...
Ah, you gotta love the Ahmish... strange creatures we are, even to ourselves. Until tomorrow, remember, I've never seen a man drink two pints at the same time...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I'm Still Sort of Moved by Your "My Word is Stronger than Oak" Thing...
"Fool-hearted" or "Who farted", which one? I'll let you decide...
Not a true spoonerism, but close enough. I think I've used all of them anyway... this is even stupider than I'm used to...
Mellow day today. I edited two (extra) interview transcripts for Piranha today, now I'll format them in Quark, create hot tips sheets for each, and rejoice in the additional income it will provide in the next week or so. I usually only do one interview per month, but this month I've done 3, which is nice. Are you happy for me? You are? Good, now we can move on...
I also added some content to the Rug Care Central website today. Mom emailed some feedback with some tweaks for the content, which I will implement once I'm done here...
Dang, this is boring, sorry! Here, this will liven things up...
This, my friends, is a 100 foot tall, 10 story, 10,000 square foot treehouse near a place called Crossville, Tennessee. The main tree that it's built around is an 80-foot tall white oak tree that is 12 feet in diameter at the base, but the treehouse also envelops six other nearby trees as well. Its builder calls it "God's Treehouse" and says God told him in a vision to build it. You have to go check out all of the pictures, they're in this article here. Notice the "No Smoking" sign in the last pic there... yeah, no kidding. I can't imagine the City Gov't would approve of such a thing. God's Fire Trap!
Ah, well, if God told him to build it, then I guess all is well... he even built a chapel inside it... well, you know what my dad always said... having dreams is what makes life tolerable...
There, now I can drone on about boring stuff for another few minutes... you can endure! Sometimes life is hard for no reason at all!
There's been a meeting called for Friday night at the church to discuss plans for the Christmas drama this year... uh oh, pressure's on. I need to have at least some ideas by then, if not a script of some kind. Wish me luck! I'm thinking of having everyone dress up as clowns, bum-rush the stage, shout "Merry Christmas," initiate a pie fight, then leave. Whadaya think? I might be able to find some scripture to support it...
That reminds me, I finally decided what I'd love to be for the costume party we're having for Maggbert on Halloween, mere days away. Now all the good costumes are gone! I want(ed) to be a Civil War Soldier - I thought that would be awesome. I wish I'd thought of it weeks ago, when I still could have rented the costume... I guess I'll have to go with Plan B... Computer Gaming Nerd. I already own that costume...
Speaking of which, I did some gaming today, so I might as well provide a report...
Dave's Amazing, Ridiculously-Interesting Gaming News Report:
Also, I played the demo for the most recent Wolfenstein game. A solid shooter, but it didn't feel quite right. If you've played FPS games before, you know that if firing the weaponry doesn't "feel" right, it distracts from the experience. It wasn't horrible, but I doubt I'll buy it. Glad it was the demo.
And finally, I installed and played some Left 4 Dead, which is a FPS with a zombie theme. This one feels right, and it's fun. It's definitely a keeper, and I'm sure between now and Halloween, I'll log some quality time with it. No intensity, no victory...
And finally, a Gamer Nerd Funny Picture...
OK, I've appealed to the geek segment of my audience enough for now. Time to branch out again... And now, a hamster farm-inspired fish aquarium...
It's only $6500! Pocket change! It's quite cool, actually. But for that kind of dough, I'd rather buy a car...
Todayve in History: October 28
- October 28, 1636: The university that would become Harvard University is established, becoming the first college in the US. (When once there was sound, now there was silence...)
- October 28, 1886: The Statue of Liberty is dedicated by Pres. Grover Cleveland. (Greatness, no matter how brief, stays with a man...)
- October 28, 1929: Black Monday on Wall Street, when the market crashed, triggering the Great Depression. (After this, it's just babies and memories...)
Among those celebrating birthdays on October 28 are: Jonas Salk (1914), Bill Gates (1955), Julia Roberts (1967), and Joaquin Phoenix.
Sorry about the bouncy camera on that one... to me, it's worth it to see something like that - something that likely won't ever happen again. It's PGA pro Vijay Singh, and it was during a practice round for this year's Masters. Apparently, it's a tradition for players to practice skipping the shot across the water on that hole (a tradition started by Lee Travino), mostly because the crowd loves it when they try. So it was intentional, and not a missed shot. That it went on the green was awesome. That it went in the hole was ridiculous. Too bad those rounds aren't televised - we'd have a decent video of it instead of a half-dozen shaky-cams...
OK, I'm done. Until tomorrow, remember, I'm glad you're back. Now I don't have to stab you...
Monday, October 26, 2009
It Must Be Some Life, Seeing All Those Different Places...
This is Spartaaaaa! Actually, this is a suburb of Sparta, just outside the city. It's a quaint little neighborhood, really, but technically, the Spartan highway patrol doesn't have jurisdiction here. But, hey, we support the Spartan troops and King Leonidas is always welcome here. He stops by every now and then for a pint at the local pub...
Oh, what the heck, why not... This Is SPARTAAAA!!!!!
OK, I'm making the obvious 300 references because tonight's post is, in fact, my 300th post this year. Aside from that well-publicized and -hated 5 day break I took back in the Spring, I have blogged every day this year. Only 65 more to go... after that, hey, you all are on your own! I'll be gone, man, like a Snickers bar. Gone like the last soda in the fridge. Gone like my paycheck. Gone like my sanity long ago...
Knowing me, I'll probably finish up on Dec 31st by saying, "Oh, what the heck! I'll do another year, for old time's sake!" And you'll all be "NOOOOO!!!!!" And then I'll be all "MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Mine! You're all mine! I'll not let you go! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! Hundreds leave, a handful stay, only one looks back!!!"
Here's a jaw-dropping papercraft castle a Japanese artist created for a papercraft exhibit in Tokyo...
Love the multiple LED settings... each color gives the "city" a different look. It even has a working model train built into it. There are more pics and a story about the exhibit HERE. You have GOT to go check it out. I can't imagine one person taking the time to create such a thing - out of paper, no less! Dang...
Speaking of insanely creative Japanese artists, here's another wild one for you - these are not photoshopped. This lady actually combines sculpting and hair styling...
So, the next time you're pondering a new hair style, consider some of these. You can see more pics and some info about the artist in this article. Beauty is a cruel mistress, is it not?
Things are moving along swimmingly in my preparation for my NaNoWriMo novel. I wrote a synopsis of the novel on my author page on the nanowrimo site, and added Havah as a "writing buddy" today. I'd love to add Logan and Crystal as buddies too, as well as anyone else out there that is participating this year that might be reading this. If you "search" under authors for DLWagner, you'll find me. Then "add" me as a buddy, and I'll return the favor. Then we can form a mutual admiration society! Think of the parties we'll throw!
Here's my synopsis, if you're curious for a very general storyline set-up...
Synopsis: The Council of Six: Book One (Untitled)
The Council of Six is a group of six benevolent wizards that rule the land, each specializing in a specific facet of magic. The time has come once more to rotate out the oldest member, sending him or her to the Great Beyond, and to rotate in a new replacement. This is the way it has always been. The rotation triggers a Day of Renewal for the world. Every four centuries, a rotation must occur.
For their own amusement, when the Day of Renewal approaches, the Council will traditionally fabricate a "quest" to depose the Head of the Council, and hand-pick a quest party from among the people of the world to "defeat" him, as though he had gone evil. From the conquering quest party, they choose the person who will join the Council as the newest member.
400 years ago, the Head of the Council decided he didn't want to rotate out, leaving the world, but to stay around for another term... so they had the quest fail. Without the Day of Renewal, things have slowly deteriorated in the world -- but it made things more interesting and challenging for the Council. The Day of Renewal approaches again, and the Head Councilman has decided to stay for yet another round without rotating out, with the full support of the Council again.
Something will need to be done to force him out...
That's the best I could do and keep it brief. There's a LOT more going into the story, as many of you that have heard me drone on and on about it in person already realize. Word of Warning: In conversation, don't ask me about the novel if you don't have a half-hour or more, because once I start talking about it, it's hard to stop... the more I ponder it, the more I want to add to it. In fact, just today I figured out a cool way to write Jayson and Keno into the story... OK, that's good. Now, just let him suffer...
And now, the Puppy Whisperer...
Are you going to make me sleep in the tub again?
Finally! Borderlands releases today, after getting inexplicably bumped a week from it's 10/21 original release date. Hopefully, Amazon will ship it to me today or tomorrow, or I will pout like the schoolgirl that I am. Actually, there's another game releasing today that I'm pondering buying from Steam for $20, and this might be of interest to you Bob... it's called Torchlight, and it's an action RPG by the creators of Mythos, Fate and Hellgate London (actually, before that, the two head dudes worked for Blizzard on both Diablo 1 and 2). Their website is HERE, and a nice review of it is HERE. Reminds me of a more cartoony Titan Quest. If I give it a go, I'll review it here.
Todayve in History: October 27
- October 27, 1682: The city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is founded. (Remember that "no gun" rule? I reconsidered!)
- October 27, 1904: The first underground New York Subway Line opens up. (I took a plane, I took a helicopter, I stole a boat!)
- October 27, 2009: Borderlands finally releases, making Dave happy. (Actually, I just needed a third item to list here... two just ain't enough...)
Among those celebrating birthdays on October 27 are: Theodore Roosevelt (1858), Sylvia Plath (1932), John Cleese (1939), John Gotti (1940), and Matt Drudge (1966).
Pardon me while I continue to cater to the gaming nerds among us for a moment... here's an XKCD comic...
I hate to admit it, but I got a good, solid chuckle out of this comic today. I checked the meter afterward, and yes, it did legitimately register as a good, hearty chuckle. This could either be a good thing or a bad thing... Angel of Music, you've deceived me! I gave you my mind blindly!
OK, I guess that about does it for my 300th post! Hope there was an item or two that you were pleased to let pass through your brain pan on its way to your mental recycle bin. Until tomorrow, remember, to face God's foes is an honor. I've come to drive this evil out...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I'm Not a Crook, I'm Ambitious. There's a Difference...
Isn't the view beautiful? It takes my breath away. Well, it would if I had any breath...
Hey, remember a long time ago, when a relatively uneventful Sunday came and went, without much of anything worth mentioning? I remember it like it was yesterday... yeah, I have a great memory like that... a typical church service in the morning, followed by a nice lunch with family + mom to celebrate the Wee One's 4th birthday. A quick stop at the book store to guide mom to Mistborn book one and The Name of the Wind, so she can have something yummy to read, then home for a bit, updating the website and getting some errands done for Wifey. Then a nice meal at church for the Pastor's Appreciation thingamajobby. Yeah, that was a long time ago. Those were the good old days. But, we were younger then, and so foolish and idealistic, optimistic to the point of pollyannic...
Those days are gone now - gone forever. In their place is the cold, dreary reality of a slightly-chilly Monday morning, heralding a week of back-breaking labor, and wind-breaking torment, like the black clouds of Mordor rolling out from Mount Doom to obscure all traces of hope and light... O for those grand and uneventful days of yore! When life was simple, and the Rocky Road ice cream was abundant, and dental floss actually meant something to people! But when it comes down to it, who's holding the umbrella?
On the plus side, I found this helpful video on getting scratches out of your CDs and DVDs...
I Have Dreamed a Dream, but Now That Dream is Gone from Me....
So, let's get the obvious stuff out of the way... Is the weekend half over or half remaining? The eternal tug of war betwixt optimism and pessimism continues!
I can't wait to start writing my novel. I'm champing at the bit! BUT... I got a phone call from Lloyd today, scolding me about the camp slideshow (or rather, the lack thereof), so I suppose I need to attend to that. Plus, Cathy scolded me about the Christmas Script (or rather, the lack thereof), so I suppose I'll have to attend to that as well. Plus, wifey scolded me about taking a shower (or rather, the lack thereof), so that is yet another thing I need to attend to...
Ah, well, at least when I get those things out of the way, I can dive in! I might give my character a castle... As badly as I'd like a castle in real life, I'll have to settle for fictional ones. Check out Mont St. Michel castle on the Normandy Coast...
Awesome. I want one! Think of it! My own island fortress! How cool would that be? A big castle complex with secret passages and secret rooms and everything, w00t. It would probably cost a fortune to keep warm in winter though... HERE is an article with the World's 10 Coolest Castles... and while I'm at it, HERE is an article with some cool stuff people have found on Google Earth...
Random Observation #328: By letting enough time pass between viewings, it can be possible to convince oneself that the Matrix sequels were not that bad after all. But once they are watched again, it is once again re-established that they do, in fact, suck. The only good part of Reloaded was that cool waterfall wall urinal in the men's room of the Merovingian club. That's it. The rest is lame.
October 25! My Sweet Maggie's 4th birthday! Yay! My sweet sweetie is the sweetest sweetie I know! Why, I suppose I'll have to post some Sweet Maggie pics!
You're cuter than I thought. I can see why she likes you...
This is my world! My world!
That's the closest I can get to you, you better grow some wings...
Sorry, kid. You got the gift, but it looks like you're waiting for something...
Aw, yeah. That's my sweetie. And while I'm at it, here's a video clip...
Also born on October 25 are: Pablo Picasso (1881), Billy Barty (1924), and Pedro Martinez (1971).
Sunday Church Day... should be a full day. Well, it's nice to have something to look forward to. Going to morning service, then to eat lunch with my mommy between services, then the Pastor Appreciation celebration at the evening service. Ah, I love a good party! Actually, I don't, but it sounded good. I still have a week to figure out what I'll be dressing up as for Maggie's party on the 31st. Suggestions accepted. Choice, the problem is choice...
Funny T-Shirt Time...

I would so buy my brother John that shirt...
I'm done. Short post tonight, sorry. We are all here to do what we are all here to do... Until tomorrow, then, remember, there's nowhere I can't go. There's nowhere I won't find you...
PS Man, this new Blogger editor is glitchy... it's driving me bananas....
PPS Sorry for the easy theme. My brain ain't firing on all cylinders right now... I need sleep...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I'm a Professional. I've Had Three Performances.
"President" or "precedent," which one?
Yay! Friday night, w00t w00t! [Dave does the Happy Friday Dance...] Yes, I realize by the time you read this, it will be Saturday Morning, I get it. So even though the Happy Saturday Dance is more appropriate for you at the moment, it is illegal in California to do the Happy Saturday Dance on a Friday Night. I could get jail time and a still fine. You wouldn't want that, now, would you...
I have a book review for you. Gee, ain't you all happy-like?
A Shadow In Summer, by Daniel Abraham: A Review
Yawn. I wish I'd done a little bit of digging on this series before reading it. I frequent a forum on the forum for A Dance with Dragons, thinking I can keep up to date on the progress (if any) of GRRM's magnum opus. One of the threads in this forum is called "What To Read While You Wait," which had many different authors and series to look into, that people who are familiar with the genre also enjoyed. The Long Price Quartet was recommended several times, so I added it to my short list. If I had taken the next step and gone to the actual reader reviews of the book, I would have seen the many, many posts that said what I'm going to tell you here. The book is a snooze.
Those that defend the book say things like "A great series, if you're not looking for action." lol, nice. The usual litany of bizarre fantasy names are present for roll call: Otah, Maati, Liat, Amat, Heshai, Marchat, as well as a sprinkling of likewise-weird town names, such as the capital city of Saraykeht, where 95% of the action takes place. Or rather, 95% of the inaction.
Otah begins the book as a child, in training to become a poet, which in this case has a supernatural application. Somehow, a poet can capture an idea and have it become personified (so it walks around as a person) and its power is based around its concept. Such a creature is called an andat. Sounded interesting, but really, in execution it left a lot to be desired. The only "andat" in the story is one called Seedless, and he/it is primarily used to magically remove the cotton seeds from the yearly cotton harvest, thus making spinning it a faster process, so that the city can beat other cities to market, earning dough. It's a trade thing.
Uh.... ok.
He is also used to cause a woman to miscarry her baby, and for reasons I still can't quite understand, it becomes a big scandal which could lead to war. Yeah, go figure.
The poet that had created Seedless the Andat is called Heshai, and he's lame. Maati is his apprentice. Liat is the lover of both Otah and Maati. The more I type, the stronger my desire is to end this review. There is no point whatsoever in going on about a boring and illogical plot if I know for a fact that none of you will be reading it. Apparently, it is the first book in a four book series. Needless to say, I will not be proceeding. With all due respect to Mr. Abraham, if this is what passes for a publishable book nowadays, I think I'll give it a shot indeed...
Summary: 2.5/5 Yawn.
There's about a week left before I start work on my NaNoWriMo book. I think I will forego starting a new series for now, and instead devote the next week's reading time to working on as detailed an outline as I can for the writing project. In fact, I make shake up my blog writing schedule as well. Back when I started - and made great progress on - my first novel attempt (The Master's Program), I would wake up at 6 am, journal for 15 minutes, then write on the novel until 7:30 am, shower, and go to work. It was actually a terrific routine. I think I will attempt it again. Of course, that will require going to bed much earlier each night - definitely no later than midnight - hopefully earlier. I usually blog between 10pm and midnight each night... believe it or not, it takes quite a bit out of me, and I need some unwind time afterwards, since my brain is usually in sensory overdrive. Then I read. That usually puts me to bed about 2:30 to 3:30 am.
Anyway, I may experiment with a different blogging time - maybe mid morning after I work on the novel. That way I can get my unwind/read time in and still be able to get to bed at a reasonable hour...
That's the end of that conversation...
Funny Picture Time:
Haduken! Actually, I think only Vye and Joe and maybe Shannon will think that's funny... I better try another one, just in case...
I'd like to see the Great Leslie try that! Hmmm... laughing at other people's pain isn't everyone's cup of tea either... well, third time's a charm...
Yes, Sir, the worst accident I ever seen... OK, so we hit the anime fans, the masochists, and those with gross tendencies... I guess that leaves those who like cute animal pictures...
There, that should cover everybody. Well, Smitty, some things get meaner as they get older...
Before I go, I have to do a public service announcement. If keeping the difference between "left wing" politics and "right wing" politics straight in your head is difficult, or if you are unsure where exactly you fall on the spectrum, I found this interesting infographic that might be of service. I'll post a small(er) version of it here, with a link to a bigger version on a website. Take a look at it - it is actually very well done.
It's actually a very interesting study, and I think it pretty much nails it. I'd be interested in hearing what you think about it (especially Josh, if he's floating around).
If politics isn't your thing, you could always try Bucky Balls...
I swear I've seen a lot of stuff in my life, but that... was... *awesome*. I'm thinking of ordering some. Come on, everyone loves playing with magnets...
I guess I'm out. As much fun as I've had on this little journey, I'm sure one day I'll look back on it and laugh. Until tomorrow, remember, there's nothing wrong with going nowhere, son. It's a privilege of youth.
Friday, October 23, 2009
With Respect, Sir, Perhaps This is a Man You Don't Fully Understand
"Power tools" or "tower pools," you decide...
Greetings, sports fans, Dave here with another whirlwind of cool bits. My selection tonight goes out to someone wonderful... of course, I much prefer to mix my random nonsense with personal musings, etc., but really, after searching myself for something to talk about that is both pertinent and personal, I once again come up with the empty set. All is well, what can I say? Youngest turns 4 on 10/25, her costume party is 10/31. Middle Daughter dropped her iTouch into the crapper about an hour ago... sucks for her, until Christmas... and a few more posts for me, and I hit 300 for the year thus far... this guy's methodical, exacting, and worst of all, patient...
That, my friends, is it! Life will go on, we will prevail!
And now, the most random thing I can possibly think to post, a pic of Salvadore Dali leaving the subway, walking his pet giant anteater in 1969...
From what I understand, that is a legit picture. Deal with it! Point me towards danger, Azeem, I'm ready! (Disclaimer: Neither Dave Wagner nor My Little Corner of the World in any way endorses, promotes or advocates the lifestyle of Salvadore Dali, who was a twisted freak if there ever was one. For more information, consult a physician).
I have a rather sizeable headache tonight. I actually briefly contemplated posting a quick, one-sentence post tonight, saying "Sorry, I'm unable to post tonight. Hopefully... you will survive..." but then I saw this clip, and I laughed so hard, it made me feel better... I am to be described as "robust" and "healthy"...
In fact, I watched it several times, with and without various family members dragged in to join me... something about a pie fight that gets me every time. See, I'm a man of simple tastes, I like dynamite, and gunpowder... In fact, I found an article HERE that has collected the best pie fight scenes from cinema history, and I watched them all... great stuff. If I ever make another movie, I'm going to find a way to have a pie fight scene... I'd write a pie fight scene for my NaNoWriMo novel, but it's really a visual thing... I may try it anyway and see how it ends up... had some more awesome ideas for the series today... almost Nov 1...
Here's a pie fight from Laurel and Hardy; it's in the second half of the clip... hey, the first half is funny too!
You gotta love the classic comedies. Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest in Monte Carlo and came in third; there's a story.
Windows 7 launched today... the way I heard about it? In an article about how brilliant Apple was to make their "new product" announcements 2 days before the launch of Win7, so that everyone will be talking about Apple today rather than Microsoft, lol. I guess it's true... in my web trolling, I hit lots of Apple stuff, and (as I said) only one tangential mention of the Windows launch (which is actually quite a big deal). Not sure if I'll upgrade or not. All 4 of my computers are running different versions of their software - I have no real desire to upgrade to either Win7 or Snow Leopard. I guess I'm an old fuddy-duddy.
In a related story, this week (and this week only) at Burger Kings in Japan, you can buy the Whopper 7...
I kid you not, it is legit. Here's an article on it... I guess they do shtuff like that over there. The first 30 people to want it can get it for the US equivalent of $8.50, and after that, buying one will set you back almost $16, and (likely) a visit to the emergency room. Though perhaps it will feed a family, who knows? Or it could be an hors d'oeuvre for Joey Chestnut... get that sausage off my lawn!
The only item in Todayve in History that I feel like mentioning fits with the Apple theme - on October 23, 2001, Apple released the first iPod. I got mine in '04, I believe. I guess that makes it a 3rd generation. My sister got it for me for Xmas, and it's worked like a dream since. I love the newer ones, but I can't quite convince myself to get a new one while my old one is still chugging along. Maybe I should drop it into the toilet... wait, where's my happy ending?
My friend Carey got his blog Big Dog's House up an running today. He came over, I showed him the ropes, and made a custom header for him. He's a good egg. His goal at the end of twenty weeks is to be half the man he used to be... I think he'll do it... I respect the mind's power over the body. It's why I do what I do.
Among those celebrating birthdays on October 23 are: Chi-Chi Rodriguez (1935), Pele (1940), Ang Lee (1954), Sam Riami (1959), Weird Al Yankovic (1959), and Doug Flutie (1962).
In honor of Weird Al's 50th birthday, here's his video for White & Nerdy...
White and Nerdy
Weird Al Yankovic | MySpace Video
You gotta love it. Well, my headache is ramping up again, so I think I'll track down some quotes and call it a day. I'm gonna go get some Post-It notes, do you want one? Until tomorrow, remember, sometimes you don't know you've crossed a line until you're already on the other side. Of course, by then it's too late...
PS: OK, I finally was able to salvage/recreate this "lost post". I think I got most of the same quotes in the same place, too, oddly enough. I'll still have another post for today, so you'll get double Dave today, woot!
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