Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm So Cool, I'm Cold!

There you go... a little taste of Summer to warm your bones a bit. I'll need mine warmed for the next couple days. Gonna be c-c-c-cold where I'm headed... Actually, I'm fortunate, in a way. It snowed today in Chicago and will snow again on Sunday... but in between will be three days of partly cloudy, just for me! See? God loves me!!!1!

OK, fine, He loves everyone... but still... I takes it where I can gets it...

So anyway, not much to chat, complain or whinge about tonight... things seem to be moving along smoothly enough... you know, I've found that if you ignore most of the bigger problems in your life, you can convince yourself quite easily that things seem to be moving along smoothly enough! Words to live by; you should write that down somewhere...

And then burn it.

I do have some cool stuff squirreled away in my archive... perhaps I should trot some of it out for you now, eh?

Come on... those bunk beds are the coolest thing you've seen in a long time, admit it...

Click that one and look at each panel a bit bigger. How cool is that? What a cool concept.

Another cool concept... wish I could find this one big enough to make a good desktop wallpaper...

OK, one more... let's see...

Cool camouflage...

Anyway, I think that's it for this post... mostly visual, with minimal hot air. You got off lucky tonight.

Hopefully I'll have some cool stories and/or photos from my trip eastward for you next time.

Adios for now...

Dave the Wanderer


Abbie Josephsen said...

I really liked all those photos, and I wish us four girls had that awesome bunkbed thing! Even if I only have 2 girls... that'd be cool because the upper part could be a bookcase or booknook. Yes!!! :)

South Whittier Oven Repair said...

This is a ggreat post thanks