Wednesday, March 27, 2013
'Silly Bus' or 'Syllabus,' You Decide...
Mediocrity. Mediochre. Ichor. Igor. Gore. Vidal. Soon. There is no spoon.
Hello. A little free-association word progression there to open things.
Open Things: envelopes. drawers. hearts. mouths. seasons. presents.
Feeling a little off-kilter about the blog of late. Oh, don't worry, I'm not quitting (again). Just feeling a little samey. Still the same basic structure, post to post, since the first post several years ago. This is post 699. Do I get a prize for reaching 700?
Movies with numbers in the titles (from memory (not counting sequels)): 300, 50/50, Seven, 13 Monkeys, 61*, 42, 21 Jump Street, Three Stooges.
Do people come here because of the way the posts are structured/presented? Do they come here for the funny pictures? Why do people come here? I get an average of 150 people visiting the blog every day, sometimes as many as 300... Why do you come here? If I changed things up, as far as content and/or approach, would you stop coming? What is it about this blog that draws your occasional interest? It certainly can't be because of my dazzling personality and/or stunning good looks... if I chucked everything and did something WAY different for my 700th post, would it bother you in the least?
Favorite WWE Finishing Moves: The Stunner. The Pedigree. The Last Ride. The F-5. 5-Star Frog Splash.
Shiny peaches. Glass fruit. Bas Rutten. Puttin' on the Ritz. Vodka. Screwdriver. Scuba diver. Diversity.
Reading, writing, acting, playing, persevering, succeeding. That about sums up how my life's been lately. It's a good time, all things considered. If I really stopped to think about it, I *may* be able to come up with something to complain about. But I'm not going to. Things are cruisin' along. I have the top down and I'm enjoying the ride.
Trying not to look down.
Frightening. Invigorating. Rejuvenating. Enervating. Corresponding.
I spelled every one of those words incorrectly the first time...
Bought a collection of Little Rascals shorts to watch with Youngest. I was initially concerned that she wouldn't like them... some of the cartoons and shows and movies she likes to watch regularly are so different from the Little Rascals. I didn't need to worry. She laughed right along with me. Good stuff. Though surprisingly politically incorrect, as far as some racial issues. Didn't remember that.
Friend of the Blog Logan (over at Rememorandom) and his wife had their second child recently. A son. Congrats to Logan. I'm happy for him.
A remote house on a remote island somewhere off the Icelandic coast. Talk about getting away from it all. I bet the internet connection there is lousy...
Books: The Spirit Eater (Rachel Aaron), The Mysterious Island (Jules Verne). Movies: Safety Not Guaranteed, The Last Rights of Joe May, You Don't Know Bo. Music: Modest Mouse, Random FM. Games: Minecraft, Fallout 3. YouTube Channels: SirPsychoFlea, CUNYtv75. Things Are Looking: Up and up.
I wish I had the nerve to try this next time I went to Target... click to enlarge...
I don't know... changing the blog content/presentation? I'm not sure I know anything else to do/say... This is sort of "my bag"... mildly amusing pics and videos, personal references and anecdotes, and occasional bits of theology and book reviews... However, I can't help but feel I need to shake things up a bit around here.
I'll chew on it and see what comes of it.
Adios for now. Or not. or knot. tied in knots. tongue tied. loose lips. Pringles. Anyone for tennis?
Saturday, March 23, 2013
All This and Machu Picchu Too!
So, there was this one time I started off a blog post with the first photo of Machu Picchu ever taken. Why? Out of sheer, unfounded frustration-inspired boredom? Perhaps. Because I like to say, "Machu Picchu"? Perhaps. (Try it - it's a fun word. "Mahhh-choooo-peeee-choooo!") Because I'm making this up as I go, as per usual? Perhaps.
Who cares, the reason, eh?
Look, here's a recent picture of the place...
Started taking acting classes again. Not sure if I mentioned the topic in a previous post or not... probably did. Sounds like just the type of boring topic I've been killing this blog with for the past few months... "Yay, Dave, tell us more crap we don't care about! It gives us a chance to practice our text-skimming!"
So, anyway, I found some acting classes, sat in on a free class to observe, liked it, and decided to sign up. Had my first official class Thursday night - the class is working on monologues because there will be an "agent showcase" on March 30th. In case it isn't obvious by the title, it's where a Hollywood-type agent comes down and sits in on a session, and people perform a monologue in the hopes of getting the agent to represent them in Hollywood, so (I suppose) the would-be actors can burn lots of fuel driving up to LA to appear in the background of a diaper commercial or some such... I'm kidding, I'm sure there are real opportunities for actual work that can result from these showcases... Well, I'm not sure, actually, since this is all new to me... but, hey, it's worth a shot, right?
The instructor knows his stuff, which is why I like the class. It will be good to have someone who knows his stuff to help me out. Frankly, I need it. Well, I mean, if the reception to my monologue is any indication...
I performed a 2 minute piece from the Tennessee Williams play The Glass Menagerie. And, yeah, I uncorked it. I nailed it, really... meaning, I remembered all the lines and performed it with verve and gusto, like I rehearsed it... however... it turns out stage acting and film acting are two different beasts altogether. I sorta knew this ahead of time, but didn't really put two and two together. So, yeah, apparently the piece was way too animated and energetic and emotionally red-lined. The exact opposite "problem" of the rest of the students, who each need to ratchet the energy levels up, and stretch the material they chose more, to show better range, and avoid being too "one note"... my piece belongs on a stage, apparently, not in front of a camera (or an agent), so it needs to be toned way down.
I'll work on it. But for every notch I drop the piece down, the more wrong it feels to me. The character is one of those explosive neurotic types, who scream and say a lot of stuff they don't mean and immediately forget... as a form of venting the spleen... I'm afraid that when I tone it down and funnel the intensity into "inside" stuff, the words will carry too much cruelty and seething anger, making the character creepy and threatening...
OK, fine, I'll change the subject. All that to say, I won't be doing the agent showcase this time around. I'd rather make sure I have a more appropriate piece ready.
Blah blah blah.
Forget this noise.... time for The Ultimate Showdown....
There, that sets things right again...
So hopefully, by 6 pm Saturday, my brother John's WRX will be in new hands. That's the plan, anyway. I posted it on Craig's List with photos, got several inquiries, and met with a guy earlier in the week. We came to an acceptable agreement on terms, and Saturday, we cinch the deal. One less thing to worry about. This guy knows his cars, and is quite excited to get his hands on it. I'm happy for him. The car needs to belong to someone who appreciates it. Me? I like the car a lot, but it's wasted on me, since I drive like a grandmother.
Speaking of John, he's settled into Florida and has "classed up", whatever that means. Whatever it is, it made him very happy. He's a good egg.
Well, I suppose I'll quit talking to the empty room now. Although, really, I don't mind being alone in here. It's so peaceful and serene. And the potpourri helps...
Adios for now,
Dave the Excruciatingly Boring
(Hey, it's just a phase... I'll snap out of it soon...)
Who cares, the reason, eh?
Look, here's a recent picture of the place...
Started taking acting classes again. Not sure if I mentioned the topic in a previous post or not... probably did. Sounds like just the type of boring topic I've been killing this blog with for the past few months... "Yay, Dave, tell us more crap we don't care about! It gives us a chance to practice our text-skimming!"
So, anyway, I found some acting classes, sat in on a free class to observe, liked it, and decided to sign up. Had my first official class Thursday night - the class is working on monologues because there will be an "agent showcase" on March 30th. In case it isn't obvious by the title, it's where a Hollywood-type agent comes down and sits in on a session, and people perform a monologue in the hopes of getting the agent to represent them in Hollywood, so (I suppose) the would-be actors can burn lots of fuel driving up to LA to appear in the background of a diaper commercial or some such... I'm kidding, I'm sure there are real opportunities for actual work that can result from these showcases... Well, I'm not sure, actually, since this is all new to me... but, hey, it's worth a shot, right?
The instructor knows his stuff, which is why I like the class. It will be good to have someone who knows his stuff to help me out. Frankly, I need it. Well, I mean, if the reception to my monologue is any indication...
I performed a 2 minute piece from the Tennessee Williams play The Glass Menagerie. And, yeah, I uncorked it. I nailed it, really... meaning, I remembered all the lines and performed it with verve and gusto, like I rehearsed it... however... it turns out stage acting and film acting are two different beasts altogether. I sorta knew this ahead of time, but didn't really put two and two together. So, yeah, apparently the piece was way too animated and energetic and emotionally red-lined. The exact opposite "problem" of the rest of the students, who each need to ratchet the energy levels up, and stretch the material they chose more, to show better range, and avoid being too "one note"... my piece belongs on a stage, apparently, not in front of a camera (or an agent), so it needs to be toned way down.
I'll work on it. But for every notch I drop the piece down, the more wrong it feels to me. The character is one of those explosive neurotic types, who scream and say a lot of stuff they don't mean and immediately forget... as a form of venting the spleen... I'm afraid that when I tone it down and funnel the intensity into "inside" stuff, the words will carry too much cruelty and seething anger, making the character creepy and threatening...
OK, fine, I'll change the subject. All that to say, I won't be doing the agent showcase this time around. I'd rather make sure I have a more appropriate piece ready.
Blah blah blah.
Forget this noise.... time for The Ultimate Showdown....
There, that sets things right again...
So hopefully, by 6 pm Saturday, my brother John's WRX will be in new hands. That's the plan, anyway. I posted it on Craig's List with photos, got several inquiries, and met with a guy earlier in the week. We came to an acceptable agreement on terms, and Saturday, we cinch the deal. One less thing to worry about. This guy knows his cars, and is quite excited to get his hands on it. I'm happy for him. The car needs to belong to someone who appreciates it. Me? I like the car a lot, but it's wasted on me, since I drive like a grandmother.
Speaking of John, he's settled into Florida and has "classed up", whatever that means. Whatever it is, it made him very happy. He's a good egg.
Well, I suppose I'll quit talking to the empty room now. Although, really, I don't mind being alone in here. It's so peaceful and serene. And the potpourri helps...
Adios for now,
Dave the Excruciatingly Boring
(Hey, it's just a phase... I'll snap out of it soon...)
Monday, March 18, 2013
Black Licorice? Why, Yes, Thank You!
Man, what a dreamy photo...
Hello everyone! Can you hear me in the back? You good? Need anything? Have enough snacks?
OK, good.
Welcome to blog tonight. As you can see, I've redecorated the meeting hall a bit. The purple velvet drapes are new, and the cubist ceiling mural is finally finished. I trust you all like zebra-unicorns? Good.
Say hello to my new business partner, Spiro....
And Spiro wants a comic strip now...
Ah, yes... such refined taste and impeccable humor, Spiro... (eyeroll)...
OK, so what's the latest, you ask? Well, I posted my brother's WRX on Craig's List, and have received several inquiries about it in the first 24hours. Nothing concrete yet, but it looks like it won't be long until it sells. That will be a happy day.
Also, I'll be flying up to see my dad in Oregon in April. He's decided to move back down to San Diego, so I'll be flying up and driving back here with him. Some quality father/son time, I hope.
Working on the Easter program for the church I attend, which is sort of a variation of the "Stations of the Cross", acted out on stage in a series of "snapshots", using live actors, etc. Yeah, hard to explain, but today's practice was awesome. I think it's going to be terrific. If I can get a decent video of it, I'll post it up here, for your viewing pleasure.
And also, I've started taking acting classes again. Found a place not far from where I work that is a nice set-up. I sat in on an "advanced class" last Thursday night and liked what I saw. Nice space, the instructor knows his stuff, the students seem eager (though they're all late-teens/early 20's), and best of all, it isn't Method Acting-based! YAAYY!! No relaxation exercises or "sense memory" exercises! So, yeah, I'm going to sign up and start attending. The focus will be monologues this next class, so I'm going to dust off an old monologue from The Glass Menagerie, and give it a shot. Though I'm dying to try the monologue I pulled from Virtues of War... maybe next time...
Sorry, Spiro wanted another comic strip... see, if you guys would put more $ into the bucket by the front door, I wouldn't need a business partner! Then I could avoid having to post low-end comics like these...
So tax day approaches. I officially had my initial meeting with my Tax Guy... I threw all of my forms, receipts and other documents at him and ran from the office, screaming and wetting myself. I was able to make some estimated payments throughout the year... let's hope it made a big enough dent in what I'll owe, so I don't get flattened again this year... notice I said "let's hope"... see, I somehow involved you in my taxes! Isn't that nice of me!? So, can you add still more to the bucket by the door on your way out? Thanks...
What am I reading, you ask? Well, I've made a good dent in The Spirit Rebellion, which is Rachel Aaron's second Eli Monpress novel. A good, solid, enjoyable tale thus far. When I finish it, why, you bet you can expect a review! If any of you decide to read The Spirit Thief, let me know what you think of it...
Samurai Cat approves. We'll see what Spiro thinks of Samurai Cat... this could be interesting...
OK, that's it for now. I hope your week is a good one.
Adios for now,
Dave (and Spiro)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
The Spirit Thief, by Rachel Aaron: A Review
I'm sitting here, wrestling with how to begin this book review. I want to tactfully revisit an observation I've made in the past about my apparent gender preference when it comes to certain entertainment-related activities I spend my free time doing. In this case, reading fantasy books. I certainly don't claim to be the most well-read individual in the world, and I like to tell myself that I'm certainly open to reading female fantasy authors, and I've felt like I've given plenty of them a shot. I've read many novel samples, and a number of complete novels by female authors... but if I take a good look at, for example, the long list of books I've rated on Good Reads, of all the 4- and 5-star books on my list, only two are by females (NK Jemisin, and Susan Ee, both 4 stars). The numbers indicate a strong preference for male fantasists on my part, regardless of what I try to tell myself. I have my Top Ten Favorite Authors, and a Boy's Club it is.
However... there may be a new face breaking into the list, and he is a she. Rachel Aaron, creator of the wonderful character Eli Monpress, and the rich world in which he dwells.
The Spirit Thief, by Rachel Aaron
The Spirit Thief is the first of several books Rachel Aaron has written, which revolve around the charismatic rogue wizard Eli Monpress, and if I may be so bold as to skip to this reviews' punchline for a moment, this book was absolutely excellent. The level of enjoyment I got out of this book reminds me of why I love reading in the first place.
In a way, this is traditional fantasy at its finest. Eli is a supremely gifted, unorthodox wizard par excellence, naturally gifted in ways that other wizards can't even grasp, who decides to use his gifts to enrich himself instead of conforming to the expectations and systems of the rest of his peers. He's charming, witty, fun, powerful, selfish, and a peerless thief -- whose main goal, endearingly enough, seems to be to make the bounty on his head as large as possible, while lining his pockets with gold.
With him is a master swordsman named Josef, who wields the Heart of War (an "awakened" sword of great power) and Nico, a small girl who can channel immense otherworldly power. All three are being hunted by many people for many reasons, and together, they make a thoroughly memorable team. The Spirit Court is after Eli, not just because he's a law breaker, but because he gives wizards and spritiualists everywhere a bad name. Coriano is a bounty hunter who also wields an awakened blade, and is hunting Josef, coveting the Heart of War, wanting to take it as his own. And the League of Storms is after Nico, wanting her destroyed before she has a chance to unleash the fullness of her power. And against them all is Renaud, the King's erstwhile banished brother, who finally has a chance to lay hold of an ancient power that will allow him to enslave the world.
So, in a real way, a case can be made that these are traditional fantasy staples; nothing new under the sun. And yet, they are done so incredibly well that whatever lack there may be in originality is made up a hundredfold by the sheer enjoyment of the tale. And, really, a lot of people read fantasy novels for a reason; namely, to find and enjoy well-done tales just like this one, tropes and all.
The magic system is based around the idea that every item, every creature, everything has a spirit, and those who are gifted in magic can interact with these spirits and convince/coerce them into doing things for them. Eli can interact with spirits in ways that baffle other wizards. A spiritualist named Miranda has been tasked by the Spirit Council with finding Eli and bringing him to justice, and most of the story is told through her eyes. Tracking him down is one thing... joining forces with him against a greater evil was something she could never have fathomed.
As much as I enjoyed the story and the wonderful characters and the dialog, I believe what impressed me the most was something I alluded to in the review I did of Brandon Sanderson's The Emperor's Soul. In fact, Aaron reminds me a great deal of Sanderson. The feel, the undercurrent, the milieu of the story is light, and airy and wonderful. I wish I knew how to explain it.
In fact, in the story itself, a certain spirit is trying to explain to Miranda why Eli is so different from any other wizard/spiritualist, and he says something along the lines of, "it's hard to explain... it's like he's alive inside, he's full of light. And spirits are drawn to him, and feel compelled to try and please him." I think something similar (though admittedly less dramatic) can be said for this book. There's something alive inside of it, and light. And, to me, that obviously stems from the author, and her ability to dance across the page.
The story has no profanity or adult nonsense in it (another nod to Sanderson there). It's a rollicking adventure that I couldn't help but picture up on the big screen as I read it. Rachel Aaron has made quite an impression on me (ya think? lol), and I'm moving on in the series straight away. If she stays true to form (and I have no reason to doubt she will), then I have no problem letting her have a spot on my Favorite Author's List. And it wouldn't be a sympathy nod to make myself feel better re: gender.
Summary: 5/5 stars. I enjoyed the heck out of this book. Though it lacks the grit of Martin/Abercrombie, the beauty of Rothfuss, the depth of Hamerton, it retains (and in many ways surpasses) the sheer joy and adventure of Sanderson. This one's a keeper. I urge you to pick up the free sample chapters and try it. If you're not hooked hard (like I was) by the very opening scene, I'll eat my shoe.
You can get the first three books in the series (The Spirit Thief, The Spirit Rebellion and The Spirit Eater) in an omnibus edition for Kindle for $9 on Amazon. The Omnibus is called The Legend of Eli Monpress. Otherwise, the individual books are $7/each...
However... there may be a new face breaking into the list, and he is a she. Rachel Aaron, creator of the wonderful character Eli Monpress, and the rich world in which he dwells.
The Spirit Thief, by Rachel Aaron
The Spirit Thief is the first of several books Rachel Aaron has written, which revolve around the charismatic rogue wizard Eli Monpress, and if I may be so bold as to skip to this reviews' punchline for a moment, this book was absolutely excellent. The level of enjoyment I got out of this book reminds me of why I love reading in the first place.
In a way, this is traditional fantasy at its finest. Eli is a supremely gifted, unorthodox wizard par excellence, naturally gifted in ways that other wizards can't even grasp, who decides to use his gifts to enrich himself instead of conforming to the expectations and systems of the rest of his peers. He's charming, witty, fun, powerful, selfish, and a peerless thief -- whose main goal, endearingly enough, seems to be to make the bounty on his head as large as possible, while lining his pockets with gold.
With him is a master swordsman named Josef, who wields the Heart of War (an "awakened" sword of great power) and Nico, a small girl who can channel immense otherworldly power. All three are being hunted by many people for many reasons, and together, they make a thoroughly memorable team. The Spirit Court is after Eli, not just because he's a law breaker, but because he gives wizards and spritiualists everywhere a bad name. Coriano is a bounty hunter who also wields an awakened blade, and is hunting Josef, coveting the Heart of War, wanting to take it as his own. And the League of Storms is after Nico, wanting her destroyed before she has a chance to unleash the fullness of her power. And against them all is Renaud, the King's erstwhile banished brother, who finally has a chance to lay hold of an ancient power that will allow him to enslave the world.
So, in a real way, a case can be made that these are traditional fantasy staples; nothing new under the sun. And yet, they are done so incredibly well that whatever lack there may be in originality is made up a hundredfold by the sheer enjoyment of the tale. And, really, a lot of people read fantasy novels for a reason; namely, to find and enjoy well-done tales just like this one, tropes and all.
The magic system is based around the idea that every item, every creature, everything has a spirit, and those who are gifted in magic can interact with these spirits and convince/coerce them into doing things for them. Eli can interact with spirits in ways that baffle other wizards. A spiritualist named Miranda has been tasked by the Spirit Council with finding Eli and bringing him to justice, and most of the story is told through her eyes. Tracking him down is one thing... joining forces with him against a greater evil was something she could never have fathomed.
As much as I enjoyed the story and the wonderful characters and the dialog, I believe what impressed me the most was something I alluded to in the review I did of Brandon Sanderson's The Emperor's Soul. In fact, Aaron reminds me a great deal of Sanderson. The feel, the undercurrent, the milieu of the story is light, and airy and wonderful. I wish I knew how to explain it.
In fact, in the story itself, a certain spirit is trying to explain to Miranda why Eli is so different from any other wizard/spiritualist, and he says something along the lines of, "it's hard to explain... it's like he's alive inside, he's full of light. And spirits are drawn to him, and feel compelled to try and please him." I think something similar (though admittedly less dramatic) can be said for this book. There's something alive inside of it, and light. And, to me, that obviously stems from the author, and her ability to dance across the page.
The story has no profanity or adult nonsense in it (another nod to Sanderson there). It's a rollicking adventure that I couldn't help but picture up on the big screen as I read it. Rachel Aaron has made quite an impression on me (ya think? lol), and I'm moving on in the series straight away. If she stays true to form (and I have no reason to doubt she will), then I have no problem letting her have a spot on my Favorite Author's List. And it wouldn't be a sympathy nod to make myself feel better re: gender.
Summary: 5/5 stars. I enjoyed the heck out of this book. Though it lacks the grit of Martin/Abercrombie, the beauty of Rothfuss, the depth of Hamerton, it retains (and in many ways surpasses) the sheer joy and adventure of Sanderson. This one's a keeper. I urge you to pick up the free sample chapters and try it. If you're not hooked hard (like I was) by the very opening scene, I'll eat my shoe.
You can get the first three books in the series (The Spirit Thief, The Spirit Rebellion and The Spirit Eater) in an omnibus edition for Kindle for $9 on Amazon. The Omnibus is called The Legend of Eli Monpress. Otherwise, the individual books are $7/each...
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The Emperor's Soul, by Brandon Sanderson: A Review
I'm a big Brandon Sanderson fan. Since first reading (and loving) the Mistborn trilogy a few years back, I've read just about everything he's put out (except the Wheel of Time books), including the small stand-alone tales, like Infinity Blade, Legion, Firstborn and, now, The Emperor's Soul.
The main character, Shai, is a master Forger, but not just in the way we view forgery in this world. In Sanderson's world, a Forger can carve intricate soulstamps and fundamentally alter the history and substance of items and people. Betrayed and captured while trying to steal something from the Emperor's Palace, she is slated for execution... but a deal is offered to her that will spare her life, in exchange for her forging the Emperor himself a new soul.
That sets the tale up nicely, I think, without spoiling anything...
This is a short novel (167 pages), which I read in two sittings, and I enjoyed every page of it. I wish I could put my finger on how/why some writers are able to infuse their stories with something wonderful that pulls you along, while others seem to craft stories that militate against you, making you have to work for each page. Sanderson is a joy to read, and I always seem to find myself at the end of his books far too quickly for my taste. I never recall breathing a sigh of relief when I finish one of his books, like I'm done with a marathon or something (like other books/authors I've read).
As is typical with Sanderson, the magic system is this book is fun, memorable and well-thought-out. The characters and scenes are very well done as well. The ending is perfect.
Summary: 5/5 stars. I can see no flaw in this tale. An engaging, enjoyable, fun (short) read. And at $3, it's well worth the money.
The main character, Shai, is a master Forger, but not just in the way we view forgery in this world. In Sanderson's world, a Forger can carve intricate soulstamps and fundamentally alter the history and substance of items and people. Betrayed and captured while trying to steal something from the Emperor's Palace, she is slated for execution... but a deal is offered to her that will spare her life, in exchange for her forging the Emperor himself a new soul.
That sets the tale up nicely, I think, without spoiling anything...
This is a short novel (167 pages), which I read in two sittings, and I enjoyed every page of it. I wish I could put my finger on how/why some writers are able to infuse their stories with something wonderful that pulls you along, while others seem to craft stories that militate against you, making you have to work for each page. Sanderson is a joy to read, and I always seem to find myself at the end of his books far too quickly for my taste. I never recall breathing a sigh of relief when I finish one of his books, like I'm done with a marathon or something (like other books/authors I've read).
As is typical with Sanderson, the magic system is this book is fun, memorable and well-thought-out. The characters and scenes are very well done as well. The ending is perfect.
Summary: 5/5 stars. I can see no flaw in this tale. An engaging, enjoyable, fun (short) read. And at $3, it's well worth the money.
Dodger, by Terry Pratchet: A Review

Terry Pratchett is a stalwart in the sci-fi/fantasy genres, authoring the huge Discworld series (3 dozen books!), as well as some other stand-alone tales. For an author as well-known, beloved and prolific, you'd think I'd have read something of his by now, but nope.
Well, I can finally say I've read one of his books.
Dodger is a period piece set in early 19th century London. The titular character is a street urchin, thief and sewer rat (prowling the sewers for storm-washed coins/jewelry) who emerges from a sewer drain one night during a storm to rescue a girl who was being beaten by a pair of thugs. After saving her and seeing that she was safe, he soon discovers that he has stepped into something much bigger than he is, and is soon swept into an adventure that will require him to play detective, making full use of his rather unique streetsmart skillset. In the process, he interacts with other famous figures from London's storied past, including Charles Dickens, Sweeney Todd, Henry Mayhew and Sir Robert Peel.
The story has a great feel to it, if you enjoy street slang and euphemisms, and tromping through London sewers pre-electricity, and tagging along as a dirt-poor teen infiltrates and outwits people in the highest levels of society, on a quest to solve a mystery. He also unintentionally plays the hero on several occasion, becoming well-known in a city where it's safer to remain anonymous.
The language is fun, the writing in turns serviceable and exceptional. Yet... it took me a long time to finish the book. Not because it was poorly crafted or too long. Not because the characters were shallow or weren't memorable. Not because it wasn't engaging, amusing and effective. In fact, I'm not sure why it took me so long to finish. But it did. It was very easy to stop with the end of a chapter and go do something else. Perhaps it was just so quirky and/or out of my normal reading realm that a little bit was enough to satisfy me. I felt no need to tear through it, like something from Abercrombie or Lawrence. I would pick it up, enjoy a few pages, and put it down again.
So how do I objectively score a book like that? It definitely fits into the category of "Books I'm Glad I Read But Likely Won't Be Reading Again." A good book that wasn't quite my cup of tea. If you're a Pratchett fan, or if you'd like to test out the waters of his style, I'd suggest picking up the free sample chapters for your Kindle and see if he connects with you. He has many books to choose from, so you might as well try Dodger. Not exactly the glowing recommendation I'm sure it deserves - but I'm not exactly the books' target audience.
Summary: 3.5/5 stars. Well crafted, fun language, memorable characters, but in spite of that, it still had a difficult time clicking with me.
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig
Yay! Spring! I'm a big fan of Spring!!!
Back from Chicago. I was tempted to pretend I took that picture of the Chicago Skyline up there, but I didn't... Instead, like a noob, I snapped a couple pics from the back seat of the rental car as we passed by the city, but the pics I took are all pure weak sauce...
See? Sad.... so I grabbed that first snap up there off the internet somewhere...
All things considered, the weather wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. We hit those three good (snowless) days in a row, as I'd hoped. Got to see my brother Johnny graduate boot camp...
See those little white hats in the background, by the door? One of those is on Johnny's head.
Here I am, with my freshly-graduated brother. I kept wanting to sing, "Anchor's Aweigh"...
Don't you just love a guy in uniform? Here's Johnny and his mother.... who happens to be my mother as well!
And this was my hair when I woke up Friday morning.... I saw my reflection and said, "I have to snap a pic of this..." Yeah, someone needs a haircut. It will have to wait until my wife likes me again... she cuts my hair... I don't want her near me with scissors when she's angry at me...
So it was great to see Johnny. He lost 15 pounds during training, because he said they weren't fed very well, and didn't sleep much. But he's looking forward to putting the muscle weight back on. In fact, he said something inspirational about it, I wish I could remember the exact wording... it was something along the lines of "the joy is in the journey", or something like that. He's looking forward to the process of getting back into the shape he wants. It made me think differently about this gut I'm wrestling with...
Speaking of eating too much, we got to go to a great Italian restaurant and have real Chicago-style deep dish pizza after the graduation. It was very good. I took a photo of the restaurant with my sister's camera, but forgot to get the pic from her to post here. Anyway, very good.
I also went to see a terrific movie with my stepdad while there. A movie called Dead Man Down, with Colin Farrell in the lead. It was much, much better than I had anticipated. Great shot choices, solid main storyline and several solid sub-plots, some great dialog. A smart action movie, I thought. I admit, when I saw the WWE logo at the beginning of the movie, I lost hope that it would be a decent film... usually their films always have a wrestler (or more) in the cast. This one did not. It had a terrific cast, and I recommend it. It's getting very little love from the critics, but don't let that sway you. I thought it was very good.
But I'm glad to be home. The last day was quite long. We got to the airport *really* early (like 4+ hours), and then the plane got off late. And it's a 4+ hour flight, so yeah, that last day was long, but worth it to see my bro. He's off to Pensacola FL now, for five months of additional training, then he's going to deploy somewhere. I'd like to go back to Chicago at some point, and check out the city. I found the city to be imposing and intimidating, for some reason... like it glowered at us as we drove past it or something... anyway, lots of history there. I'd like to go back and explore it a bit more, in the future.
I did get to read a couple books while on the trip... I think I'll make a new post with reviews of each, instead of tacking it onto this post...
I guess that's that for now. Adios.
Dave the World Traveler
Thursday, March 7, 2013
I'm So Cool, I'm Cold!
There you go... a little taste of Summer to warm your bones a bit. I'll need mine warmed for the next couple days. Gonna be c-c-c-cold where I'm headed... Actually, I'm fortunate, in a way. It snowed today in Chicago and will snow again on Sunday... but in between will be three days of partly cloudy, just for me! See? God loves me!!!1!
OK, fine, He loves everyone... but still... I takes it where I can gets it...
So anyway, not much to chat, complain or whinge about tonight... things seem to be moving along smoothly enough... you know, I've found that if you ignore most of the bigger problems in your life, you can convince yourself quite easily that things seem to be moving along smoothly enough! Words to live by; you should write that down somewhere...
And then burn it.
I do have some cool stuff squirreled away in my archive... perhaps I should trot some of it out for you now, eh?
Come on... those bunk beds are the coolest thing you've seen in a long time, admit it...
Click that one and look at each panel a bit bigger. How cool is that? What a cool concept.
Another cool concept... wish I could find this one big enough to make a good desktop wallpaper...
OK, one more... let's see...
Cool camouflage...
Anyway, I think that's it for this post... mostly visual, with minimal hot air. You got off lucky tonight.
Hopefully I'll have some cool stories and/or photos from my trip eastward for you next time.
Adios for now...
Dave the Wanderer
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Man, These Brooms Are Sweeping the Nation!
A bit over-saturated, but impactful nonetheless, I'd say. Except there's a red line under the word "impactful" in my editor window... isn't that a real word? It isn't giving me any alternative spellings... well, I guess I made it up, eh! A Wagner Original! I'll add it to my list, alongside such classics as "despision" and "cloopsie"...
Had the memorial service for my step-mother Linda today. It was not without its glitches, technical and otherwise, but overall I'd say it turned out well. It's good to see my dad again. In fact, on Thursday I got to see my dad and my step-dad both at the same time... may not seem odd, but I haven't seen either since the holidays, and I can't remember the last time they were both in the same room together, interacting. They were both in town and both stopped by for various reasons... a happy (somewhat surreal) coincidence. They get along, don't get me wrong... it's just odd, in that whole "two worlds collide" kind of way.
Kind of like Facebook, really. On my friends list, I have family members, friends from high school, from church, from online, from here and there... and sometimes a person will comment on a status update, and someone else from a different group comments, and then two or more people from these radically different segments of my history start up a conversation together... it's one of those super-odd moments, natch?
Speaking of spherical animals...
Saw that on Bits and Pieces recently. Awesome.
So I got my brother's Subaru detailed on Friday... I know he gave it to me, so the car is mine, but I can't stop thinking of it as John's car. Anyway, it looks like a million bucks...
Gonna leave this week (with mom, sister and stepdad) to head out to Chicago, to attend my brother John's graduation from Navy boot camp. I was in Chicago only once before - on our marathon return flight from Belfast Ireland back in 2001. It stopped in Chicago and we changed planes for the 4.5 hr trip to San Diego. If memory serves, those felt like the longest hours of my life. So all I got to see of Chicago was the airport. This time around I'll have plenty of time to get stabbed and have my luggage stolen! Can't wait!
I'm kidding. My mom and I get along fine... she doesn't threaten to stab me anymore.... and if she stole my luggage, she'd be surprised to find it full of beef jerky in any case....
Currently Watching: The Story of Film: An Odyssey (15-part documentary on history of film)
Currently Playing: Minecraft & Words With Friends
Currently Listening To: "Weathered" album (2001), by Creed
Currently Afraid Of: Death
That's it for now, methinks.
Adios for now,
Dave the Poltroon
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