Thursday, October 9, 2014

Remember How the Swivel War Kept Going Back and Forth....?

Greetings, one and all! Well, "one" is probably closer to reality. Hello one! Whomever you are!

How's things, eh? Good, good... hey, you have something in your teeth there... yeah, right there, caught in your braces... hey, you look familiar! Aw, nuts... it's a mirror...

Hello, none!

So, how much "more of the same" will you be able to endure tonight?

Reading, acting, taking classes up in LA, working on the web series, writing, browsing the web, listening to music, working, churching, sleeping...

Such is my life! Excitement! Verve! Vim and vinegar! And other 'V' words! like, victory and verisimilitude and... um....

My latest hobby seems to be finding monologues for my monologue folder... I have dozens. And, last time I numbered the Israelites, I was up to 16 monologues that I could perform at a moments' notice, without any prep time. Another half-dozen I could trot out if I had a few minutes to review.

I realize it's pointless... but hey, you know me by now... I'm a collector. Books, movies, games, music... I even have my old baseball card collection from my youth... and now, I collect monologues.

I may have talked about this here before - if so, I apologize. Humor me, will ya?

The latest facet of this strange hobby is collecting famous monologues. This is normally frowned upon, as far as picking monologues to perform at auditions, since they're usually so well known, it's hard to present something that isn't instinctively compared to the original. The reason I'm picking famous ones is twofold -- first, to mimic them as close as possible to the way the original monologue was done, sort of like an impressionist might... and second, to then perform it as wildly different as possible, while still trying to accomplish what the original text itself is trying to accomplish. So one half is for pure entertainment, impersonating the actor, followed by a wildly different (and hopefully successful) take. A study in contrasts, see? Plus, I find it fun as heck!

An example would be the "I drink your milkshake" monologue from the end of There Will Be Blood... or the "I know what healthy is" monologue from the Nutty Professor... though I have pulled many more...

Yeah, I know... I'm an oddball. Living isolated for so long has had weird effects on me. But my invisible audience loves it, so is there anything else that matters? MUAHAHAHA!!!

Plus, performing monologues gives me something to do while I drive. Plus, it's fun to explore different emotions.

Heck, many of the monologues in my collection I wrote myself, just for that purpose (exploring emotions, I mean).

OK, enough boring nonsense...

Here's some entertaining nonsense! With Ellen DeGeneres and Matthew McConaughey...

That... was really funny...

So, what else interesting has happened of late?

Absolutely nothing. No humorous anecdotes, no embarrassing moments, no new games, nothing fun and exciting to share...

Wow, everything feels so awesome lately, but I don't have anything specific to mention. I guess I'm just lovin' life, if you'll pardon how corny that sounds...

We're filming again this weekend. Jeff P. (the creator/director) has been on a creative tear the last couple weeks. The man is an idea machine, and it's a marvel not just to see him work, but to participate in bringing these ideas to life. Can't share any specifics with you, but soon enough, the world will see... MUAHAHAHA!!!

Man, that triggered about a dozen things I'd like to tell you, but can't (yet)... grrr...

I better find a last funny picture to post, and call it a night....

Hmm... how about a comic, too?

OK, that's gonna do it for tonight.

Talk to you again soon, eh!

Dave the Army of One

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