Sunday, October 27, 2013

Attention All Earthlings...

Hello everyone! And by "everyone", yes, I do mean everyone on the entire face of the earth. And beyond, for that matter. I mean, no reason people in airplanes or in space should be left out of my greeting! Think of how that would make you feel... "Here I am, on the Int'l Space Station, risking life and limb for science, and I get callously passed over by Dave in his latest blog intro. Man, mom was right, I should have learned to drive a bigrig instead."

Uh... maybe not....

So, the year progresses nicely... fall is, uh... falling around me, which is nice. Love hoodie weather, as I've said before. Have my usual collection of little things to do for people, and a few big things, including the Christmas play. Still slowly collecting more items of entertainment (books and games, mostly), and waiting for my agent to start sending me on some commercial auditions....

"My agent"... gads, how limp does that sound? lol. I should start wearing a beret and a scarf, and drinking coffees that I can't pronounce... "ah, yes, well let me check with my agent first... *ssssip*... ahhh... Cafe Snuffleuppagus.... warms my heart..." Well, so be it.

I've begun the process of immersing myself in Russian. Learning to read the Cyrillic Alphabet first, so I'll be able to read the language... I'll work on my vocabulary and pronunciation next. I have a couple months - should be plenty of time. Can't wait to see how it all plays out. I'm already obsessing over character development, and I haven't even seen the first script yet. So chances are, I'll develop a character different than the one the project will require, and have to chuck it and start over. But I can't seem to help it... chew chew chew...

Dark Starry (K)night, by Van Gogh

November is here... I briefly contemplated signing up for NaNoWriMo and trying to convince myself I could get a big 50,000-word chunk of my Fantasy Novel done... I don't know who I'd be kidding, but it wouldn't be me... don't get me wrong, I'd love to do it... but my plate is full, and, as Logen Nine-Fingers says, you need to be realistic... Books, screenplays and blog posts lie scattered around me, unfinished, giving me puppy-dog eyes... "Feed me! Pet me! Love me!" I'm only one man! One man in a beret and a scarf!

So I read a terrific sci-fi book of late, called Year Zero, by author Rob Reid. It was so much fun to read, I enjoyed every page. Not sure how to summarize it without spoiling the fun... but a mid-level lawyer at a NY firm that deals with copyright and patent cases is confronted by aliens who want desperately to obtain the rights to rebroadcast all human music to outer space... if they can't, earth will likely end up being destroyed, since it turns out, due to the draconian anti-piracy laws and fines we have, the rest of the universe owes Earth all the money that has ever existed... since the universe loves our music so much, every creature has a copy of every song ever recorded... oops... one way out of bankruptcy is to destroy the earth, thus negating the fines...

That lays the simple groundwork for the tale of one man trying to save the world... it is so funny and witty and absurd, it really defies description. You really need to read this if you like sci-fi and humor at all. Any fans of Douglas Adams will be right at home in this tale. You can get it for a cool 99 cents on Amazon as I write this. Snap it up, read it. You'll love it, I'm sure. (5 stars out of 5)

Here's a cool fan-made short in the Half-Life 2 universe... even if you're not familiar with the game, check this out. It's only a few minutes long...

Nice effects. I hope the project I'm involved in is at least this level of production quality (even higher would be awesome)...

I think that's it for now. When I scrounge up more to talk about, I'll see you again.

Adios for now,

Dave the Pretentious Artsy-fartsy Dweeb

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unintentional pun alert: "And beyond that, for all that matter" (yes, there is matter in space :)