Well, hello fellow time travelers! I bet you thought I'd dropped off the face of the earth and was sucked into some space vortex or somethin', eh? EH?
Nope. I'm fine. Takin' it a Dave at a time, you know... sitting in a corner, softly weeping as the last grains of summer move down to the bottom half of the ol' hour glass... the little hand on the ol' body clock advanced another click forward since last we spoke. I am officially 44 now.
Aging. Sometimes it bothers me, other times I couldn't care less. I feel the same on the inside. Look a little more weathered on the outside. I guess that's the way it works, eh?
One fairly substantial external change has been to my hair...
"I'm shaved! I'm shorn again!"
Feels weird, but I'm getting used to it. It goes well with my extreme farmer tan (haven't been to the pool once all summer! Doh!) and with the two-car garage on my face... ah, well, you know what they say... "big nose, big heart"...
I think they say that...
Hey, did you see this one, eh? Mute the sound, and then watch this...
Yeah, that's nuts... if I'd have seen that in a movie, I would have been, like, "Yeah, right... no way on earth that could happen in real life..."
I think I'm mellowing out as I age... I used to be more of a goof, which made for more interesting blog reading for you, I'm sure... I've been reading and writing and prepping BTI-related stuff... and the days and weeks tick by. Seems like Summer just started... anyways, that's basically been my year thus far. Wish I had some goofiness to unleash upon you tonight... but I'm feeling mellow...
We've got some great ideas for drama plans for Christmas and Easter this year... possibly too ambitious, but we'll see. I'll start writing the scripts and see how it evolves... If all goes as planned, we'll have one large story, with a relatively small cast, that is broken into segments. The two biggest pieces will be the plays - part one for Christmas and part two for Easter - but every week there will also be a skit or a monologue that adds detail, introduces characters, fills in the blanks better, so to speak, and creates one long narrative. Ideally, the plays will each work well alone, as a self-contained stand-alone piece of entertainment... but all the pieces added together will make a much more robust experience. We'll hopefully film each small piece as it is performed and put them all online, so if someone misses a Sunday, he/she can keep up.
It will take a dedicated small group of actors... maybe a half-dozen at the most. We'll see. As I said, it might be too ambitious.
That is a great photo with which to end this post. So cool, the plane parting the clouds like that...
As new things develop, regarding the web series or anything else, I'll post it here.
Adios for now,
Dave the Mellow.