Sunday, September 16, 2012

This Vicious Fish Wishes for Dishes

Yummay! Look at all that green sludgy water! It's pretty, in it's own way, but I bet it doesn't smell too nice, eh? Guess that could be said for a lot of things...

So nothin' but odds and ends today... just checkin' in more than anything. All things are mellow of late, not much to report. Still reading The Hammer and the Blade by Paul S Kemp, which is still a good read, but I'm also reading a book on screenwriting called Save the Cat by the late Blake Snyder, which is also very good. It's helping me with a screenplay idea I have, which may or may not be something Todd and I can produce. We'll see...

Yes, I know... why not spend time on one of my many unfinished projects instead of starting yet another new one? I'm like a creative fireman... I go where the fire is. And I hope I get the project done before the fire burns itself out and springs up elsewhere. I've tried every way I can think of to reignite fires that have burned out, but I think there's no way other than patiently waiting for the new growth to appear in that project, and then strike a match and hope for the best.

I think I may have taken the analogy a bit far there, eh? lol...

That.... is a big fish...

Christmas approacheth, yet again. Man, the years do tick by, don't they? Gotta gear up for this year's Christmas drama - I mean the one we'll perform at church, not the typical behind-the-scenes church drama, lol. Don't have anything on tap just yet. Got about two 2weeks to come up with a plan, then a script, and then start the boulder rollin'.

And now, a seagull steals a video camera...

I guess that's not the first time that's happened... here's another clip of a gull stealing a camera...

Those crazy seagulls!

So the movie script idea I'm working on involves four friends and daydreams... showed my notes to Todd today at church and he seems to think there's something there, so I'm going to crank out some rough copy and see how it goes. He had another good movie idea, involving aliens and inventions, which sounds like a boatload of fun as well. We'll see if anything comes of it.

Yawning or yelling, you decide...

OK, well, speaking of yawning, I believe I shall put an end to yours by ending this post. I hope your lives are far more interesting than mine at the present. We'll see what this next week holds...

Dave the Mundane Strikes Again...


Sally said...

Love the videos. Those naughty seagulls, perhaps they wanted to be in your screenplay and were auditioning for a part?

Anonymous said...

I was in the Christian book store and I saw scripts for the Youth. It would be such a ministry if you published yours, I know you have them on line, but people still purchase hard copies.

Christmas is such a marvelous time, a time of new beginnings. But things are getting pretty tense in the world, if only you could tie the two together - new beginnings and joy to strength to stand in the water that's starting to bubble (frog example). I am in contact with so many youth and adults, and they have such a skewed version of God, why he sent Jesus, the Word, God, etc...I suspect even our own youth struggle with some of the things their friends espouse.

Maybe that will be for next year. But I look forward to seeing the finished results on line!

Beth A.
Big Fan of one who possesses many talents. Still waiting for signed copy of first novel.

David Wagner said...

Sally: If I ever shoot a remake of The Birds, I'll let them know, lol...

Beth: Getting the scripts into bookform, that's one of my unfinished projects.

Thanks for the inspiration, regarding script ideas... something to chew on, for sure.

You'll get your signed copy of the book, I promise!

Anonymous said...

Ooh...does that make me a firewoman? Right now I feel more like flame-retardant that fire-starter.

You have to wonder what those gulls thought the cameras were. lol. Animals are something else.
